El dg 07 de 03 de 2010 a les 17:25 -0500, en/na Helen va escriure:
> I have a document in OO (a poem), and I'd like to get it into a gimp
> picture.
> I can't think of any way to do that.  I can take a screen shot but the
> document
> is longer than will fit on a screen (it's about a screen and a half)
> and I want it to
> look like it's part of the picture (background is the picture of an
> open, blank book).
> I could retype it into a Gimp layer, but, aside from the time
> involved, Gimp
> doesn't have the typeface I want.

In OO print to a file (postscript or pdf), then open it in GIMP.

HTH Pere

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