Hi! I'm under contract with Peachpit Press to write and design a GIMP book.

My editors and I think it would be great to include artwork created by those
of you out there in the GIMP community. I'm looking for two kinds of

1. Professional quality art that will be included in a four-color "image
gallery." This artwork should be created for four-color, high quality
reproduction and be very special, as space in this section is quite limited.
Artists included in this special gallery section will have contact
information included in a "Directory of Artists" in the book.

2. Art that will be used as technique examples in the main body of the book.
This part of the book will be black and white. Technical examples can be
very simple, using one or two effects, or more complex. What I'm really
looking for is a special technique that you've perfected and want to share
with others. Since I'll be showing the basics in this book, very simple
artwork is really useful for illustrating a particular filter or technique.
For instance, if I'm describing how to use the mosaic filter, I'd love to
have artwork showing how this filter can be used.

Some other things you should know:

- I cannot offer payment for the use of your work. I will give credit to
everyone whose art is used in the book. I will also send a copy of the
finished book to each person whose art is used.

- If I decide to use your work, you will need to sign a straightforward
permissions letter that says I can use your artwork in the book. (If you
send me your work, I'm assuming you are willing to sign this letter.) Once
I've decided to include your work, I'll send you a copy of the letter.

- Please try to submit artwork by December 15, 1999.

Thanks, everyone!


+                       +
+    Phyllis Davis      +
+ 632 San Fernando Ave. +
+  Berkeley, CA 94707   +
+                       +
+  Tel: 510-528-1314    +
+  Fax: 510-528-1334    +
+                       +

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