On Sun, 27 Feb 2000, Charles R. Tersteeg wrote:

> is there an easy way to do this?  I've found a few tutorials but they
> were a little imcomplete here and there like for showing how to animate
> the layers or save the image so it would be animated gif.

After having created several layers you can simply save the image as a
gif. The dialogs will ask you wether to flatten the image or save it as an
animation. You save it as an animation.

You can rename the different layers to

Frame 1 (100ms)(replace)
Frame 2 (200ms)(combine)
Frame 3 (200ms)(combine)

and so on to determine how long the layers should be shown and wether the
next layers replace them or will be a combination of former layers and the
actual one. And you determine the order of the layers by giving numbers to
the frames.

It's easy, really. The difficult thing is to create nice animations.


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