
Two bugs with grouter were fixed.
First is a broken traceroute.

traceroute -I dst_ip from a host to another host (dst_ip)
should work. Here you need to use the -I option for
traceroute to indicate that it should use ICMP instead
of the UDP packets that it uses by default.

There was a bug with the previous grouter that
prevented this from working. It should work now. I tested
it extensively. However, the automatic route computation
seems little unstable. Please compile the topology twice
or more before running it. This seems to give more
stable results. I have seen some routers crash in
large network topologies. At least now with few
compiles I am getting it to work consistently.

Also, there was another bug that prevented pings
from router to host. You know that grouter provides
a command shell and you can ping a host (UML) from there.
This was not working earlier. It is working now.

I have posted gini 1.02 on the website. If prefer not
to reinstall gini, please download grouter.tar.gz and
replace the src/grouter folder with the contents
of the tar.gz file.



| Muthucumaru Maheswaran                Web: www.cs.mcgill.ca/~maheswar   |
| School of Computer Science            Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]      |
| McGill University                     Phone: (514) 398-1465             |
| 213B McConnell Engineering Building   Fax: (514) 398-3883               |
| 3480 University Street                                                  |
| Montreal, QC H3A 2A7, Canada                                            |

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