That's interesting.  Yes, I don't need native libraries.  The problem I'm
having is that after I run job.waitForCompletion(..),
The job runs a mapper that is something other than GraphMapper.  It
doesn't complain that a Mapper isn't defined or anything.  It runs
something else.  As I mentioned below, the map-class doesn't appear to be

On 2/7/12 7:50 PM, "Jakob Homan" <> wrote:

>That's not necessarily a bad thing.  Hadoop (not Giraph) has native
>code library it can use for improved performance.  You'll see this
>message when running on a cluster that's not been deployed to use the
>native libraries.  If I follow what you wrote, most likely your work
>project cluster is so configured.  Unless you actively expect to have
>the native libraries loaded, I wouldn't be concerned.
>On Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 5:46 PM, David Garcia <>
>> I am running into a weird error that I haven't seen yet (I suppose I've
>> been lucky).  I see the following in the logging:
>> org.apache.hadoop.util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop
>> library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable
>> In the job definition, the property "" is not even
>> defined.  For Giraph, this is usually set to
>> ""
>> I'm building my project with hadoop 0.20.204.
>> When I build the GiraphProject myself (and run my own tests with the
>> projects dependencies), I have no problems.  The main difference is that
>> I'm using a Giraph dependency in my work project.  All input is welcome.
>> Thx!!
>> -David

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