I forgot the House at Pooh Corner! That's an awful one!!!! And Daddy, my Daddy is one of the few that trigger me anywhere, any time. Outside Over There because the Daddy puts this awful burden on Ida to look after her little brother AND her depressed mother 'for her Papa who loves her always'. That's the trigger - Papa who's away, may never see her again (what was that shipwreck we glimpse in a window?) is sending this message of absolute love but also a huge charge to Ida and the book just ends 'And that is just what Ida did.' - a simple statement, with behind it a sense of the immense imposition of duty on a small girl, and the knowledge that that duty was simply carried out, at whatever cost..

----- Original Message ----- From: "Tom & Tash" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, November 07, 2004 10:41 PM
Subject: Re: [GO] Being tearful

Helen asked:
What is it about Dogger? I think I've only read it once, and don't remember
feeling particularly tearful.

It's just a very ordinary kindness of a big sister to her little brother, I don't know why it makes me cry but it does, even after the umpteenth time. Unlike Tig, the end of Outside Over There hasn't caused an tear I don't think.

I think I will just have to accept that I will cry when reading to the children, then. Imagine, though, what I will be like reading the last page of The House at Pooh Corner! (and I don't even LIKE A A Milne!) Let alone the "Daddy, my Daddy" scene in The Railway Children. Or the last page of I Am David.

Oh dear, I'm off again.


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