"steve borruso" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I based my attempts of turning on a checkbox 
> on the following append which indicates 
>   $f->value(name => undef); would turn the input "OFF".  
> http://www.ics.uci.edu/pub/websoft/libwww-perl/archive/2000h2/0485.html
> When I attempt to turn the input "ON"  with 
> $f->value($name,defined);  the state does not change. No error 
> is given when executed. It doesn't seem to matter what I use in 
> place of "defined". It doesn't appear that I'm changing the 
> value of the input (as opposed to the state) with what I use either.


means that you evaluate defined($_) and pass this boolean result as
the value to set for field.  This does not make sense in this context.
It ought to croak for a checkbox though.

> Can someone please take a look at the code sample below 
> and point out the logic error and/or provide another example that 
> might help.
> boiled down sample of my code ....  
> @forms = HTML::Form->parse($html,'http://myurl.com');
> @all_input =  $forms[2] -> inputs;
> for($i=1; $i < $#all_input + 1; $i += 1) {

use 'for (@all_input) {' instead.

>    $type=   $all_input[$i]->type;
>    $value = $all_input[$i]->value();

why initialize these variables if you are not going to use them?

>    $name =  $all_input[$i]->name();
>      if (defined $all_input[$i]->value)   {
>         print "<br> it is on";
>       }
>       else {
>             print "<br> turning it on <br>";
>             $forms[2]->value($name,defined);

You need to know what value to set.  The possible_values() method tell
you what values can be used.  The 'defined' here is certainly bogus.

>             if (defined $all_input[$i]->value)   {
>                print "<br> STATE SHOULD NOW BE CHECKED (ON)";
>             }
>       }
> }

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