[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Randal L. Schwartz) writes:

> >>>>> "me-01" == me-01  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> me-01> Hi,
> me-01> URI::Escape uses the following code to set a subs function in uri_escape:
> me-01>     if (defined $patn){
> me-01>        unless (exists  $subst{$patn}) {
> me-01>            # Because we can't compile the regex we fake it with a cached sub
> me-01>            (my $tmp = $patn) =~ s,/,\\/,g;
> me-01>            $subst{$patn} =
> me-01>              eval "sub {\$_[0] =~ s/([$tmp])/\$escapes{\$1}/g; }";
> me-01>            Carp::croak("uri_escape: $@") if $@;
> me-01>        }
> me-01>        &{$subst{$patn}}($text);
> me-01>     } else {
> me-01>        # Default unsafe characters.  RFC 2732 ^(uric - reserved)
> me-01>        $text =~ s/([^A-Za-z0-9\-_.!~*'()])/$escapes{$1}/g;
> me-01>     }
> me-01> The problem with this is that if the eval fails for a bad pattern,
> me-01> $subst{$patn} does still get set. so if the user has an eval somewhere
> me-01> around the call to uri_escape and the program continues, on the next
> me-01> call to uri_escape with that same pattern the "if" test will fail,
> me-01> and he will get an error. Easily fixed of course by first assigning
> me-01> to a temp var, and only assigning to $subst{$patn} after the croak test
> Or even just putting the assignment *inside* the eval:
>     $abc = "foo";
>     $badpat = "ab[c";
>     eval "\$abc = sub {\$_[0] = s/($badpat)/\$escapes{\$1}/g; }";

The Randal way has now been applied.



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