# git help -m branch
No manual entry for git-branch

Rebuilding git 2.9.4 with "make man" and "make install-man" leads to

# git help -m branch
   Git Manual

       git-branch - List, create, or delete branches

       git branch [--color[=<when>] | --no-color] [-r | -a]

and rebuilding git-buildpackage shows that most test issues are solved,
except a few:
warning: New package version is Debian native whilst previous version was
............S..SSFSFS......S...............sh: 1: cannot create
../rpmbuild/SOURCES/gbp-test-native-1.0.zip: Permission denied
FAIL: Test if importing into bare repository
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 243, in test_bare
    ok_("gbp: Import Debian changes" in reflog[1])
AssertionError: None
-------------------- >> begin captured logging << --------------------
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'rev-parse', '--show-cdup']
gbp: DEBUG: Upstream version: 2.6
gbp: DEBUG: Debian version: 2
gbp: DEBUG: Upstream tarball:
gbp: DEBUG: Debian patch:
gbp: INFO: No git repository found, creating one.
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'init']
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'rev-parse', '--show-cdup']
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'rev-parse', '--is-bare-repository']
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'rev-parse', '--git-dir']
gbp: DEBUG: tar ['-C',
'-a', '-xf',
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'tag', '-l', 'debian/2.6-2']
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'tag', '-l', 'debian/2.6-2']
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'tag', '-l', 'upstream/2.6']
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'tag', '-l', 'upstream/2.6']
gbp: INFO: Tag upstream/2.6 not found, importing Upstream tarball
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'add', '-f', '.']
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'write-tree']
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'commit-tree',
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'update-ref', '-m', 'gbp: Import Upstream version 2.6',
'refs/heads/master', 'b2327d5146d3b47ad9ae34528424b0a0b2b4afab']
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'tag', '-m', 'Upstream version 2.6', 'upstream/2.6',
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'branch', 'upstream',
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'show-ref', 'refs/heads/master']
gbp: DEBUG: tar ['-C', '.', '-a', '-xf',
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'rev-parse', '--quiet', '--verify',
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'branch', '--contains',
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'add', '-f', '.']
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'write-tree']
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'rev-parse', '--quiet', '--verify', 'master']
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'commit-tree',
'8380c1680fd8fdfa0e3cf098a88da2855672ade9', '-p',
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'update-ref', '-m', 'gbp: Import Debian changes 2.6-2',
'refs/heads/master', '232795e54ebd6cc4010bfdfd0910709d5ed942c8',
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'tag', '-m', 'Debian release 2.6-2', 'debian/2.6-2',
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'symbolic-ref', 'HEAD']
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'show-ref', 'refs/heads/master']
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'rev-parse', '--quiet', '--verify', 'master']
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'reset', '--quiet', '--hard',
'232795e54ebd6cc4010bfdfd0910709d5ed942c8', '--']
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'ls-tree', '-z', 'upstream', '--']
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'mktree', '-z']
gbp: DEBUG: /usr/bin/pristine-tar [] ['commit',
gbp: DEBUG: rm ['-rf',
gbp: INFO: Version '2.6-2' imported under
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'rev-parse', '--show-cdup']
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'rev-parse', '--is-bare-repository']
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'rev-parse', '--git-dir']
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'log', '--pretty=format:%H', '--']
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'reflog']
--------------------- >> end captured logging << ---------------------

FAIL: Test if creating missing branches works
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 116, in test_create_branches
    ok_("gbp: Import Debian changes" in reflog[1])
AssertionError: None
-------------------- >> begin captured logging << --------------------
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'rev-parse', '--show-cdup']
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'rev-parse', '--show-cdup']
gbp: DEBUG: Upstream version: 2.6
gbp: DEBUG: Debian version: 2
gbp: DEBUG: Upstream tarball:
gbp: DEBUG: Debian patch:
gbp: INFO: No git repository found, creating one.
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'init']
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'rev-parse', '--show-cdup']
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'rev-parse', '--is-bare-repository']
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'rev-parse', '--git-dir']
gbp: DEBUG: tar ['-C',
'-a', '-xf',
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'tag', '-l', 'debian/2.6-2']
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'tag', '-l', 'debian/2.6-2']
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'tag', '-l', 'upstream/2.6']
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'tag', '-l', 'upstream/2.6']
gbp: INFO: Tag upstream/2.6 not found, importing Upstream tarball
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'add', '-f', '.']
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'write-tree']
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'commit-tree',
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'update-ref', '-m', 'gbp: Import Upstream version 2.6',
'refs/heads/master', '08bd9e226a8ac8e11daa9f00097e1ced5cc89cf0']
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'tag', '-m', 'Upstream version 2.6', 'upstream/2.6',
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'branch', 'upstream',
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'show-ref', 'refs/heads/master']
gbp: DEBUG: tar ['-C', '.', '-a', '-xf',
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'rev-parse', '--quiet', '--verify',
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'branch', '--contains',
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'add', '-f', '.']
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'write-tree']
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'rev-parse', '--quiet', '--verify', 'master']
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'commit-tree',
'8380c1680fd8fdfa0e3cf098a88da2855672ade9', '-p',
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'update-ref', '-m', 'gbp: Import Debian changes 2.6-2',
'refs/heads/master', '6a9c1415ec51a9cbd0cabfd785b1073fe3f1357c',
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'tag', '-m', 'Debian release 2.6-2', 'debian/2.6-2',
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'symbolic-ref', 'HEAD']
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'show-ref', 'refs/heads/master']
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'rev-parse', '--quiet', '--verify', 'master']
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'reset', '--quiet', '--hard',
'6a9c1415ec51a9cbd0cabfd785b1073fe3f1357c', '--']
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'ls-tree', '-z', 'upstream', '--']
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'mktree', '-z']
gbp: DEBUG: /usr/bin/pristine-tar [] ['commit',
gbp: DEBUG: rm ['-rf',
gbp: INFO: Version '2.6-2' imported under
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'rev-parse', '--show-cdup']
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'rev-parse', '--is-bare-repository']
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'rev-parse', '--git-dir']
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'log', '--pretty=format:%H', '--']
gbp: DEBUG: ['git', 'reflog']
--------------------- >> end captured logging << ---------------------

Name                                 Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
gbp/__init__.py                          1      0   100%
gbp/command_wrappers.py                161     11    93%   102, 129, 229,
295-299, 308, 311-312
gbp/config.py                          242     22    91%   30-31, 51-52,
70, 438-442, 488, 490-491, 537-540, 607, 670-672, 701, 703, 750-751
gbp/dch.py                              79     16    80%   33-34, 44-45,
88, 96-100, 114, 116, 127, 130-131, 135
gbp/deb/__init__.py                     49      7    86%   36, 57-59, 81,
gbp/deb/changelog.py                   138      5    96%   83, 102,
121-122, 280
gbp/deb/control.py                      29      3    90%   53-54, 66
gbp/deb/dscfile.py                      94      8    91%   69, 105, 108,
110, 112, 129, 135-136
gbp/deb/format.py                       34      2    94%   118-119
gbp/deb/git.py                         102     11    89%   61, 87-95, 121,
gbp/deb/policy.py                       18      0   100%
gbp/deb/pristinetar.py                  14      0   100%
gbp/deb/source.py                       49      2    96%   79, 115
gbp/deb/upstreamsource.py               24      1    96%   51
gbp/deb/uscan.py                        71     21    70%   73-81, 93,
96-103, 175-187
gbp/errors.py                            3      0   100%
gbp/format.py                            9      0   100%
gbp/git/__init__.py                     15      0   100%
gbp/git/args.py                         30      1    97%   66
gbp/git/commit.py                        6      0   100%
gbp/git/errors.py                        3      0   100%
gbp/git/fastimport.py                   53      6    89%   43-46, 108, 141
gbp/git/modifier.py                     77      2    97%   81, 96
gbp/git/repository.py                  853     50    94%   44, 49, 85, 93,
484, 523, 623, 630, 675-676, 736, 807, 845, 895, 914, 1053, 1067, 1090,
1164, 1173, 1314, 1316, 1373-1377, 1399, 1426, 1517, 1535, 1609-1610, 1674,
1690, 1735, 1770, 1786, 1811, 1838, 1979-1980, 1982, 1992, 2045-2046,
2053-2054, 2059, 2062-2065
gbp/git/vfs.py                          31      1    97%   65
gbp/log.py                              94      7    93%   72, 77, 88-89,
119-120, 150
gbp/notifications.py                    31      7    77%   32-33, 51-53,
64, 68
gbp/patch_series.py                    107     10    91%   78-79, 83,
gbp/pkg/__init__.py                    163     18    89%   121, 192, 224,
234, 236-237, 284, 319, 325, 338, 346-347, 367-369, 383, 389, 398-400
gbp/pkg/pristinetar.py                  31      0   100%
gbp/rpm/__init__.py                    581     29    95%   197-201, 250,
307, 416, 429, 438, 640, 647-648, 654-656, 667-669, 674-679, 751, 762-769,
806-807, 856-857
gbp/rpm/changelog.py                   156      3    98%   188-189, 236
gbp/rpm/git.py                          26      2    92%   47-48
gbp/rpm/lib_rpm.py                      19      8    58%   27-31, 42-46
gbp/rpm/linkedlist.py                   80      0   100%
gbp/rpm/policy.py                       72     11    85%   123-130, 172,
gbp/scripts/__init__.py                  1      0   100%
gbp/scripts/buildpackage.py            480    113    76%   55-56, 70-80,
104-110, 112, 118, 123-132, 147, 153, 173-175, 182, 189-191, 196-219,
228-229, 241, 258-260, 274-275, 287, 303-309, 332, 375, 379, 389, 399-400,
428-429, 438, 448, 497-498, 500, 502, 520-523, 661, 664-666, 669-670,
674-675, 678-679, 699-701, 708-711, 715-716, 735, 749, 764, 824-825, 827,
832-835, 847-848, 854
gbp/scripts/buildpackage_rpm.py        359     21    94%   54-55, 172-173,
246, 269-279, 514, 522, 613-614, 646
gbp/scripts/clone.py                   144     28    81%   40-45, 73-74,
96, 158-159, 163, 168-169, 186-191, 195, 201, 213-214, 218-221, 227
gbp/scripts/common/__init__.py          11      0   100%
gbp/scripts/common/buildpackage.py     104     16    85%   90-91, 96,
114-115, 142, 158-167
gbp/scripts/common/hook.py              10      0   100%
gbp/scripts/common/import_orig.py       85     50    41%   34-35, 53-56,
64-65, 72, 81-92, 100-111, 123, 136-139, 152-179
gbp/scripts/common/pq.py               192     21    89%   102, 107,
122-126, 136-137, 150, 165-166, 172-173, 193-198, 257, 289-290, 345
gbp/scripts/common/repo_setup.py         9      0   100%
gbp/scripts/config.py                   75      6    92%   96, 127-128,
130-131, 140
gbp/scripts/create_remote_repo.py      221    102    54%   174-191,
195-198, 202-204, 273-274, 284-358, 370-377, 387-402, 406
gbp/scripts/dch.py                     330     51    85%   54-55, 66-67,
71-72, 103, 168-169, 177-178, 254, 264, 268, 275, 296, 430-431, 435-438,
441-442, 448, 456, 462, 465, 474-487, 511, 529, 534, 549, 560-570, 577
gbp/scripts/import_dsc.py              316     78    75%   48-67, 83-87,
95, 107, 118-119, 121, 135-136, 139-141, 152, 155, 185-188, 195-197, 205,
209, 214-217, 222-224, 300, 339-340, 356-357, 379-380, 387, 395, 411,
425-430, 440-446, 476, 482, 491-492, 494, 496-497, 502-503, 517
gbp/scripts/import_dscs.py             110     43    61%   43, 46, 51-70,
78-81, 85, 107, 111-112, 116-122, 130-131, 134-135, 144-146, 149-151,
161-162, 169, 178
gbp/scripts/import_orig.py             388     80    79%   50-52, 55, 74,
91-92, 131, 142-144, 146, 167-174, 196, 200, 213-214, 239, 242, 249, 253,
256, 263, 293-308, 320-321, 334, 361-362, 378-379, 391-398, 416, 438-443,
527, 547-548, 553, 557-558, 562, 566, 581, 592-594, 622, 643, 657-659, 663,
gbp/scripts/import_srpm.py             291     18    94%   65-66, 75, 80,
109-110, 208, 236-238, 300, 446, 471-472, 474, 476-477, 497
gbp/scripts/pq.py                      291     74    75%   57-61, 75, 106,
138-140, 185, 211, 254-264, 288-294, 299-302, 315, 322, 326-327, 331-340,
344-346, 349-350, 431-432, 438-446, 450-452, 471-485, 491
gbp/scripts/pq_rpm.py                  278     21    92%   55-56, 69,
74-77, 83, 115-119, 136, 237, 299-300, 318, 453-454, 456, 458-459, 471
gbp/scripts/pull.py                    122     43    65%   49-50, 58-77,
114-115, 138-140, 146-152, 159, 163-165, 171, 174-176, 179-187, 193
gbp/scripts/rpm_ch.py                  249      8    97%   83, 121,
128-129, 174, 254, 259, 454
gbp/scripts/supercommand.py             78     13    83%   57-61, 126-127,
129-130, 132-133, 147, 151
gbp/tmpfile.py                          21      0   100%
gbp/tristate.py                         45      4    91%   37, 50, 101, 105
gbp/version.py                           1      0   100%
TOTAL                                 7756   1054    86%
Ran 481 tests in 100.525s

FAILED (SKIP=8, failures=2)
Makefile:11: recipe for target 'test' failed
make[2]: *** [test] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory
debian/rules:21: recipe for target 'override_dh_auto_test' failed
make[1]: *** [override_dh_auto_test] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory
debian/rules:17: recipe for target 'build' failed
make: *** [build] Error 2
dpkg-buildpackage: error: debian/rules build gave error exit status 2

On Sun, May 21, 2017 at 1:19 PM, Guido Günther <a...@sigxcpu.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> On Sun, May 21, 2017 at 10:57:49AM +0200, jean-christophe manciot wrote:
> > Hello Guido Günther,
> >
> > Building git-buildpackage from the git sources on the tag *debian/0.8.15
> > (same issue with debian/ <>*) with:
> > dpkg-buildpackage --build=binary -m"Jean-Christophe Manciot <
> > manciot.jeanchristo...@gmail.com>"
> > It has been run on *Ubuntu 17.04 with dpkg-buildpackage version 1.18.10*.
> >
> > It leads to many issues, including the first
> > "/rpmbuild/SOURCES/gbp-test-native-1.0.zip: Permission denied".
> > It is very strange because:
> > - the name suggests rpm is involved in a debian build?
> > - the previous command has been launched with (and without) root
> > privileges.
> >
> > The full log is attached. The following is an excerpt pointing out the
> > issues:
> This is odd:
> > ...
> > running nosetests
> > running egg_info
> > creating gbp.egg-info
> > writing gbp.egg-info/PKG-INFO
> > writing top-level names to gbp.egg-info/top_level.txt
> > writing dependency_links to gbp.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
> > writing entry points to gbp.egg-info/entry_points.txt
> > writing manifest file 'gbp.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
> > reading manifest file 'gbp.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
> > writing manifest file 'gbp.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
> > ............................................................
> ......debchange
> > warning: New package version is Debian native whilst previous version was
> > not
> > ............S..SS.S.S......S...............sh: 1: cannot create
> > ../rpmbuild/SOURCES/gbp-test-native-1.0.zip: Permission denied
> > ............................................................
> ...................................................FF.......
> ........F.......Ffatal:
> > bad revision 'ff...master'
> > fatal: bad revision 'master...ff'
> > F.F...F.....................................................
> ............................................................
> ............................................................
> .....................SS................................
> > ======================================================================
> > FAIL: Doctest: tests.doctests.test_GitRepository.test_set_
> upstream_branch
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/doctest.py", line 2226, in runTest
> >     raise self.failureException(self.format_failure(new.getvalue()))
> > AssertionError: Failed doctest test for test_set_upstream_branch
> >   File
> > "/home/actionmystique/src/Git/git-git-buildpackage/tests/
> doctests/test_GitRepository.py",
> > line 234, in test_set_upstream_branch
> >
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > File
> > "/home/actionmystique/src/Git/git-git-buildpackage/tests/
> doctests/test_GitRepository.py",
> > line 244, in test_set_upstream_branch
> > Failed example:
> >     repo.set_upstream_branch('master', 'origin/master')
> > Exception raised:
> >     Traceback (most recent call last):
> >       File "/usr/lib/python2.7/doctest.py", line 1315, in __run
> >         compileflags, 1) in test.globs
> >       File "<doctest test_set_upstream_branch[6]>", line 1, in <module>
> >         repo.set_upstream_branch('master', 'origin/master')
> >       File
> > "/home/actionmystique/src/Git/git-git-buildpackage/gbp/git/
> repository.py",
> > line 620, in set_upstream_branch
> >         if self._cmd_has_feature('branch', 'set-upstream-to'):
> >       File
> > "/home/actionmystique/src/Git/git-git-buildpackage/gbp/git/
> repository.py",
> > line 263, in _cmd_has_feature
> >         % (command, stderr[:-1]))
> >     GitRepositoryError: Invalid git command 'branch': No manual entry for
> > git-branch
> >     See 'man 7 undocumented' for help when manual pages are not
> available.
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > File
> > "/home/actionmystique/src/Git/git-git-buildpackage/tests/
> doctests/test_GitRepository.py",
> > line 245, in test_set_upstream_branch
> > Failed example:
> >     repo.get_upstream_branch('master')
> > Expected:
> >     'origin/master'
> > Got:
> >     ''
> To detect some git features gbp invokes
>     git help -m <subcommand>
> to detect some features. In this case
>     git help -m branch
> fails. Can you check why this fails on your systems?
> (cc:'ing the mailing list so we have some record for this type of
> problem).
> Cheers,
>  -- Guido
> >
> >
> > ======================================================================
> > FAIL: Doctest: tests.doctests.test_GitRepository.test_get_
> upstream_branch
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/doctest.py", line 2226, in runTest
> >     raise self.failureException(self.format_failure(new.getvalue()))
> > AssertionError: Failed doctest test for test_get_upstream_branch
> >   File
> > "/home/actionmystique/src/Git/git-git-buildpackage/tests/
> doctests/test_GitRepository.py",
> > line 257, in test_get_upstream_branch
> >
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > File
> > "/home/actionmystique/src/Git/git-git-buildpackage/tests/
> doctests/test_GitRepository.py",
> > line 263, in test_get_upstream_branch
> > Failed example:
> >     repo.get_upstream_branch('master')
> > Expected:
> >     'origin/master'
> > Got:
> >     ''
> >
> >
> > ======================================================================
> > FAIL: Doctest: tests.doctests.test_GitRepository.test_merge
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/doctest.py", line 2226, in runTest
> >     raise self.failureException(self.format_failure(new.getvalue()))
> > AssertionError: Failed doctest test for test_merge
> >   File
> > "/home/actionmystique/src/Git/git-git-buildpackage/tests/
> doctests/test_GitRepository.py",
> > line 678, in test_merge
> >
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > File
> > "/home/actionmystique/src/Git/git-git-buildpackage/tests/
> doctests/test_GitRepository.py",
> > line 689, in test_merge
> > Failed example:
> >     repo.merge('foo')
> > Exception raised:
> >     Traceback (most recent call last):
> >       File "/usr/lib/python2.7/doctest.py", line 1315, in __run
> >         compileflags, 1) in test.globs
> >       File "<doctest test_merge[3]>", line 1, in <module>
> >         repo.merge('foo')
> >       File
> > "/home/actionmystique/src/Git/git-git-buildpackage/gbp/git/
> repository.py",
> > line 481, in merge
> >         if (self._cmd_has_feature('merge', 'edit')):
> >       File
> > "/home/actionmystique/src/Git/git-git-buildpackage/gbp/git/
> repository.py",
> > line 263, in _cmd_has_feature
> >         % (command, stderr[:-1]))
> >     GitRepositoryError: Invalid git command 'merge': No manual entry for
> > git-merge
> >     See 'man 7 undocumented' for help when manual pages are not
> available.
> >
> >
> > ======================================================================
> > FAIL: Doctest: tests.doctests.test_GitRepository.test_grep_log
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/doctest.py", line 2226, in runTest
> >     raise self.failureException(self.format_failure(new.getvalue()))
> > AssertionError: Failed doctest test for test_grep_log
> >   File
> > "/home/actionmystique/src/Git/git-git-buildpackage/tests/
> doctests/test_GitRepository.py",
> > line 856, in test_grep_log
> >
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > File
> > "/home/actionmystique/src/Git/git-git-buildpackage/tests/
> doctests/test_GitRepository.py",
> > line 866, in test_grep_log
> > Failed example:
> >     len(repo.grep_log('foo')) == 2
> > Expected:
> >     True
> > Got:
> >     False
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > File
> > "/home/actionmystique/src/Git/git-git-buildpackage/tests/
> doctests/test_GitRepository.py",
> > line 868, in test_grep_log
> > Failed example:
> >     len(repo.grep_log('foo', 'master')) == 2
> > Expected:
> >     True
> > Got:
> >     False
> >
> >
> > ======================================================================
> > FAIL: Doctest: tests.doctests.test_GitRepository.test_is_ff
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/doctest.py", line 2226, in runTest
> >     raise self.failureException(self.format_failure(new.getvalue()))
> > AssertionError: Failed doctest test for test_is_ff
> >   File
> > "/home/actionmystique/src/Git/git-git-buildpackage/tests/
> doctests/test_GitRepository.py",
> > line 879, in test_is_ff
> >
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > File
> > "/home/actionmystique/src/Git/git-git-buildpackage/tests/
> doctests/test_GitRepository.py",
> > line 888, in test_is_ff
> > Failed example:
> >     repo.is_fast_forward('master', 'foo')
> > Expected:
> >     (True, True)
> > Got:
> >     (True, False)
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > File
> > "/home/actionmystique/src/Git/git-git-buildpackage/tests/
> doctests/test_GitRepository.py",
> > line 890, in test_is_ff
> > Failed example:
> >     repo.create_branch('ff', 'HEAD^')
> > Exception raised:
> >     Traceback (most recent call last):
> >       File "/usr/lib/python2.7/doctest.py", line 1315, in __run
> >         compileflags, 1) in test.globs
> >       File "<doctest test_is_ff[3]>", line 1, in <module>
> >         repo.create_branch('ff', 'HEAD^')
> >       File
> > "/home/actionmystique/src/Git/git-git-buildpackage/gbp/git/
> repository.py",
> > line 346, in create_branch
> >         self._git_command("branch", args.args)
> >       File
> > "/home/actionmystique/src/Git/git-git-buildpackage/gbp/git/
> repository.py",
> > line 243, in _git_command
> >         raise GitRepositoryError("Error running git %s: %s" % (command,
> > detail))
> >     GitRepositoryError: Error running git branch: fatal: Not a valid
> object
> > name: 'HEAD^'.
> >
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > File
> > "/home/actionmystique/src/Git/git-git-buildpackage/tests/
> doctests/test_GitRepository.py",
> > line 891, in test_is_ff
> > Failed example:
> >     repo.is_fast_forward('ff', 'master')
> > Expected:
> >     (True, False)
> > Got:
> >     (True, True)
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > File
> > "/home/actionmystique/src/Git/git-git-buildpackage/tests/
> doctests/test_GitRepository.py",
> > line 893, in test_is_ff
> > Failed example:
> >     repo.is_fast_forward('master', 'ff')
> > Expected:
> >     (False, True)
> > Got:
> >     (True, True)
> >
> >
> > ======================================================================
> > FAIL: Doctest: tests.doctests.test_GitRepository.test_make_tree
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/doctest.py", line 2226, in runTest
> >     raise self.failureException(self.format_failure(new.getvalue()))
> > AssertionError: Failed doctest test for test_make_tree
> >   File
> > "/home/actionmystique/src/Git/git-git-buildpackage/tests/
> doctests/test_GitRepository.py",
> > line 913, in test_make_tree
> >
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > File
> > "/home/actionmystique/src/Git/git-git-buildpackage/tests/
> doctests/test_GitRepository.py",
> > line 925, in test_make_tree
> > Failed example:
> >     sha1
> > Expected:
> >     '19af7398c894bc5e86e17259317e4db519e9241f'
> > Got:
> >     'cb089cd89a7d7686d284d8761201649346b5aa1c'
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > File
> > "/home/actionmystique/src/Git/git-git-buildpackage/tests/
> doctests/test_GitRepository.py",
> > line 928, in test_make_tree
> > Failed example:
> >     head
> > Expected:
> >     [['100644', 'blob', '19af7398c894bc5e86e17259317e4db519e9241f',
> > 'testfile']]
> > Got:
> >     [['100644', 'blob', 'cb089cd89a7d7686d284d8761201649346b5aa1c',
> > 'testfile']]
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > File
> > "/home/actionmystique/src/Git/git-git-buildpackage/tests/
> doctests/test_GitRepository.py",
> > line 932, in test_make_tree
> > Failed example:
> >     newtree
> > Expected:
> >     '745951810c9e22fcc6de9b23f05efd6ab5512123'
> > Got:
> >     'dc47a169c61039cf61136cd66bbd62968592c17b'
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > File
> > "/home/actionmystique/src/Git/git-git-buildpackage/tests/
> doctests/test_GitRepository.py",
> > line 934, in test_make_tree
> > Failed example:
> >     repo.list_tree(newtree, recurse=False, paths='testfile')
> > Expected:
> >     [['100644', 'blob', '19af7398c894bc5e86e17259317e4db519e9241f',
> > 'testfile']]
> > Got:
> >     [['100644', 'blob', 'cb089cd89a7d7686d284d8761201649346b5aa1c',
> > 'testfile']]
> >
> >
> > ======================================================================
> > FAIL: Doctest: tests.doctests.test_GitRepository.test_cmd_has_feature
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Traceback (most recent call last):
> >   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/doctest.py", line 2226, in runTest
> >     raise self.failureException(self.format_failure(new.getvalue()))
> > AssertionError: Failed doctest test for test_cmd_has_feature
> >   File
> > "/home/actionmystique/src/Git/git-git-buildpackage/tests/
> doctests/test_GitRepository.py",
> > line 999, in test_cmd_has_feature
> >
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > File
> > "/home/actionmystique/src/Git/git-git-buildpackage/tests/
> doctests/test_GitRepository.py",
> > line 1006, in test_cmd_has_feature
> > Failed example:
> >     repo._cmd_has_feature("commit", "a")
> > Exception raised:
> >     Traceback (most recent call last):
> >       File "/usr/lib/python2.7/doctest.py", line 1315, in __run
> >         compileflags, 1) in test.globs
> >       File "<doctest test_cmd_has_feature[2]>", line 1, in <module>
> >         repo._cmd_has_feature("commit", "a")
> >       File
> > "/home/actionmystique/src/Git/git-git-buildpackage/gbp/git/
> repository.py",
> > line 263, in _cmd_has_feature
> >         % (command, stderr[:-1]))
> >     GitRepositoryError: Invalid git command 'commit': No manual entry for
> > git-commit
> >     See 'man 7 undocumented' for help when manual pages are not
> available.
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > File
> > "/home/actionmystique/src/Git/git-git-buildpackage/tests/
> doctests/test_GitRepository.py",
> > line 1008, in test_cmd_has_feature
> > Failed example:
> >     repo._cmd_has_feature("commit", "reuse-message")
> > Exception raised:
> >     Traceback (most recent call last):
> >       File "/usr/lib/python2.7/doctest.py", line 1315, in __run
> >         compileflags, 1) in test.globs
> >       File "<doctest test_cmd_has_feature[3]>", line 1, in <module>
> >         repo._cmd_has_feature("commit", "reuse-message")
> >       File
> > "/home/actionmystique/src/Git/git-git-buildpackage/gbp/git/
> repository.py",
> > line 263, in _cmd_has_feature
> >         % (command, stderr[:-1]))
> >     GitRepositoryError: Invalid git command 'commit': No manual entry for
> > git-commit
> >     See 'man 7 undocumented' for help when manual pages are not
> available.
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > File
> > "/home/actionmystique/src/Git/git-git-buildpackage/tests/
> doctests/test_GitRepository.py",
> > line 1010, in test_cmd_has_feature
> > Failed example:
> >     repo._cmd_has_feature("merge", "n")
> > Exception raised:
> >     Traceback (most recent call last):
> >       File "/usr/lib/python2.7/doctest.py", line 1315, in __run
> >         compileflags, 1) in test.globs
> >       File "<doctest test_cmd_has_feature[4]>", line 1, in <module>
> >         repo._cmd_has_feature("merge", "n")
> >       File
> > "/home/actionmystique/src/Git/git-git-buildpackage/gbp/git/
> repository.py",
> > line 263, in _cmd_has_feature
> >         % (command, stderr[:-1]))
> >     GitRepositoryError: Invalid git command 'merge': No manual entry for
> > git-merge
> >     See 'man 7 undocumented' for help when manual pages are not
> available.
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > File
> > "/home/actionmystique/src/Git/git-git-buildpackage/tests/
> doctests/test_GitRepository.py",
> > line 1012, in test_cmd_has_feature
> > Failed example:
> >     repo._cmd_has_feature("merge", "stat")
> > Exception raised:
> >     Traceback (most recent call last):
> >       File "/usr/lib/python2.7/doctest.py", line 1315, in __run
> >         compileflags, 1) in test.globs
> >       File "<doctest test_cmd_has_feature[5]>", line 1, in <module>
> >         repo._cmd_has_feature("merge", "stat")
> >       File
> > "/home/actionmystique/src/Git/git-git-buildpackage/gbp/git/
> repository.py",
> > line 263, in _cmd_has_feature
> >         % (command, stderr[:-1]))
> >     GitRepositoryError: Invalid git command 'merge': No manual entry for
> > git-merge
> >     See 'man 7 undocumented' for help when manual pages are not
> available.
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > File
> > "/home/actionmystique/src/Git/git-git-buildpackage/tests/
> doctests/test_GitRepository.py",
> > line 1014, in test_cmd_has_feature
> > Failed example:
> >     repo._cmd_has_feature("format-patch", "cc")
> > Exception raised:
> >     Traceback (most recent call last):
> >       File "/usr/lib/python2.7/doctest.py", line 1315, in __run
> >         compileflags, 1) in test.globs
> >       File "<doctest test_cmd_has_feature[6]>", line 1, in <module>
> >         repo._cmd_has_feature("format-patch", "cc")
> >       File
> > "/home/actionmystique/src/Git/git-git-buildpackage/gbp/git/
> repository.py",
> > line 263, in _cmd_has_feature
> >         % (command, stderr[:-1]))
> >     GitRepositoryError: Invalid git command 'format-patch': No manual
> entry
> > for git-format-patch
> >     See 'man 7 undocumented' for help when manual pages are not
> available.
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > File
> > "/home/actionmystique/src/Git/git-git-buildpackage/tests/
> doctests/test_GitRepository.py",
> > line 1016, in test_cmd_has_feature
> > Failed example:
> >     repo._cmd_has_feature("merge", "foobaroption")
> > Exception raised:
> >     Traceback (most recent call last):
> >       File "/usr/lib/python2.7/doctest.py", line 1315, in __run
> >         compileflags, 1) in test.globs
> >       File "<doctest test_cmd_has_feature[7]>", line 1, in <module>
> >         repo._cmd_has_feature("merge", "foobaroption")
> >       File
> > "/home/actionmystique/src/Git/git-git-buildpackage/gbp/git/
> repository.py",
> > line 263, in _cmd_has_feature
> >         % (command, stderr[:-1]))
> >     GitRepositoryError: Invalid git command 'merge': No manual entry for
> > git-merge
> >     See 'man 7 undocumented' for help when manual pages are not
> available.
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > File
> > "/home/actionmystique/src/Git/git-git-buildpackage/tests/
> doctests/test_GitRepository.py",
> > line 1022, in test_cmd_has_feature
> > Failed example:
> >     repo._cmd_has_feature("show", "standard-notes")
> > Exception raised:
> >     Traceback (most recent call last):
> >       File "/usr/lib/python2.7/doctest.py", line 1315, in __run
> >         compileflags, 1) in test.globs
> >       File "<doctest test_cmd_has_feature[9]>", line 1, in <module>
> >         repo._cmd_has_feature("show", "standard-notes")
> >       File
> > "/home/actionmystique/src/Git/git-git-buildpackage/gbp/git/
> repository.py",
> > line 263, in _cmd_has_feature
> >         % (command, stderr[:-1]))
> >     GitRepositoryError: Invalid git command 'show': No manual entry for
> > git-show
> >     See 'man 7 undocumented' for help when manual pages are not
> available.
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > File
> > "/home/actionmystique/src/Git/git-git-buildpackage/tests/
> doctests/test_GitRepository.py",
> > line 1024, in test_cmd_has_feature
> > Failed example:
> >     repo._cmd_has_feature("show", "no-standard-notes")
> > Exception raised:
> >     Traceback (most recent call last):
> >       File "/usr/lib/python2.7/doctest.py", line 1315, in __run
> >         compileflags, 1) in test.globs
> >       File "<doctest test_cmd_has_feature[10]>", line 1, in <module>
> >         repo._cmd_has_feature("show", "no-standard-notes")
> >       File
> > "/home/actionmystique/src/Git/git-git-buildpackage/gbp/git/
> repository.py",
> > line 263, in _cmd_has_feature
> >         % (command, stderr[:-1]))
> >     GitRepositoryError: Invalid git command 'show': No manual entry for
> > git-show
> >     See 'man 7 undocumented' for help when manual pages are not
> available.
> >
> >
> > Name                                 Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------
> > gbp/__init__.py                          1      0   100%
> > gbp/command_wrappers.py                161     11    93%   102, 129, 229,
> > 295-299, 308, 311-312
> > gbp/config.py                          242     22    91%   30-31, 51-52,
> > 70, 438-442, 488, 490-491, 537-540, 607, 670-672, 701, 703, 750-751
> > gbp/dch.py                              79     16    80%   33-34, 44-45,
> > 88, 96-100, 114, 116, 127, 130-131, 135
> > gbp/deb/__init__.py                     49      7    86%   36, 57-59, 81,
> > 106-107
> > gbp/deb/changelog.py                   138      5    96%   83, 102,
> > 121-122, 280
> > gbp/deb/control.py                      29      3    90%   53-54, 66
> > gbp/deb/dscfile.py                      94      8    91%   69, 105, 108,
> > 110, 112, 129, 135-136
> > gbp/deb/format.py                       34      2    94%   118-119
> > gbp/deb/git.py                         102     11    89%   61, 87-95,
> 121,
> > 298
> > gbp/deb/policy.py                       18      0   100%
> > gbp/deb/pristinetar.py                  14      0   100%
> > gbp/deb/source.py                       49      2    96%   79, 115
> > gbp/deb/upstreamsource.py               24      1    96%   51
> > gbp/deb/uscan.py                        71     21    70%   73-81, 93,
> > 96-103, 175-187
> > gbp/errors.py                            3      0   100%
> > gbp/format.py                            9      0   100%
> > gbp/git/__init__.py                     15      0   100%
> > gbp/git/args.py                         30      1    97%   66
> > gbp/git/commit.py                        6      0   100%
> > gbp/git/errors.py                        3      0   100%
> > gbp/git/fastimport.py                   53      6    89%   43-46, 108,
> 141
> > gbp/git/modifier.py                     77      2    97%   81, 96
> > gbp/git/repository.py                  853     78    91%   44, 49, 85,
> 93,
> > 266-287, 482-487, 518, 523, 525, 621-630, 675-676, 736, 807, 845, 895,
> 914,
> > 1053, 1067, 1090, 1164, 1173, 1314, 1316, 1373-1377, 1399, 1426, 1517,
> > 1535, 1609-1610, 1674, 1735, 1770, 1786, 1811, 1838, 1979-1980, 1982,
> 1992,
> > 2045-2046, 2053-2054, 2059, 2062-2065
> > gbp/git/vfs.py                          31      1    97%   65
> > gbp/log.py                              94      7    93%   72, 77, 88-89,
> > 119-120, 150
> > gbp/notifications.py                    31      7    77%   32-33, 51-53,
> > 64, 68
> > gbp/patch_series.py                    107     10    91%   78-79, 83,
> > 177-184
> > gbp/pkg/__init__.py                    163     18    89%   121, 192, 224,
> > 234, 236-237, 284, 319, 325, 338, 346-347, 367-369, 383, 389, 398-400
> > gbp/pkg/pristinetar.py                  31      0   100%
> > gbp/rpm/__init__.py                    581     29    95%   197-201, 250,
> > 307, 416, 429, 438, 640, 647-648, 654-656, 667-669, 674-679, 751,
> 762-769,
> > 806-807, 856-857
> > gbp/rpm/changelog.py                   156      3    98%   188-189, 236
> > gbp/rpm/git.py                          26      2    92%   47-48
> > gbp/rpm/lib_rpm.py                      19      8    58%   27-31, 42-46
> > gbp/rpm/linkedlist.py                   80      0   100%
> > gbp/rpm/policy.py                       72     11    85%   123-130, 172,
> > 195-198
> > gbp/scripts/__init__.py                  1      0   100%
> > gbp/scripts/buildpackage.py            480    113    76%   55-56, 70-80,
> > 104-110, 112, 118, 123-132, 147, 153, 173-175, 182, 189-191, 196-219,
> > 228-229, 241, 258-260, 274-275, 287, 303-309, 332, 375, 379, 389,
> 399-400,
> > 428-429, 438, 448, 497-498, 500, 502, 520-523, 661, 664-666, 669-670,
> > 674-675, 678-679, 699-701, 708-711, 715-716, 735, 749, 764, 824-825, 827,
> > 832-835, 847-848, 854
> > gbp/scripts/buildpackage_rpm.py        359     21    94%   54-55,
> 172-173,
> > 246, 269-279, 514, 522, 613-614, 646
> > gbp/scripts/clone.py                   144     28    81%   40-45, 73-74,
> > 96, 158-159, 163, 168-169, 186-191, 195, 201, 213-214, 218-221, 227
> > gbp/scripts/common/__init__.py          11      0   100%
> > gbp/scripts/common/buildpackage.py     104     16    85%   90-91, 96,
> > 114-115, 142, 158-167
> > gbp/scripts/common/hook.py              10      0   100%
> > gbp/scripts/common/import_orig.py       85     50    41%   34-35, 53-56,
> > 64-65, 72, 81-92, 100-111, 123, 136-139, 152-179
> > gbp/scripts/common/pq.py               192     21    89%   102, 107,
> > 122-126, 136-137, 150, 165-166, 172-173, 193-198, 257, 289-290, 345
> > gbp/scripts/common/repo_setup.py         9      0   100%
> > gbp/scripts/config.py                   75      6    92%   96, 127-128,
> > 130-131, 140
> > gbp/scripts/create_remote_repo.py      221    102    54%   174-191,
> > 195-198, 202-204, 273-274, 284-358, 370-377, 387-402, 406
> > gbp/scripts/dch.py                     330     51    85%   54-55, 66-67,
> > 71-72, 103, 168-169, 177-178, 254, 264, 268, 275, 296, 430-431, 435-438,
> > 441-442, 448, 456, 462, 465, 474-487, 511, 529, 534, 549, 560-570, 577
> > gbp/scripts/import_dsc.py              316     70    78%   48-67, 83-87,
> > 95, 107, 118-119, 121, 135-136, 152, 155, 185-188, 195-197, 205, 209,
> > 214-217, 222-224, 300, 339-340, 379-380, 387, 395, 411, 425-430, 444-446,
> > 482, 491-492, 494, 496-497, 502-503, 517
> > gbp/scripts/import_dscs.py             110     43    61%   43, 46, 51-70,
> > 78-81, 85, 107, 111-112, 116-122, 130-131, 134-135, 144-146, 149-151,
> > 161-162, 169, 178
> > gbp/scripts/import_orig.py             388     80    79%   50-52, 55, 74,
> > 91-92, 131, 142-144, 146, 167-174, 196, 200, 213-214, 239, 242, 249, 253,
> > 256, 263, 293-308, 320-321, 334, 361-362, 378-379, 391-398, 416, 438-443,
> > 527, 547-548, 553, 557-558, 562, 566, 581, 592-594, 622, 643, 657-659,
> 663,
> > 674
> > gbp/scripts/import_srpm.py             291     18    94%   65-66, 75, 80,
> > 109-110, 208, 236-238, 300, 446, 471-472, 474, 476-477, 497
> > gbp/scripts/pq.py                      291     74    75%   57-61, 75,
> 106,
> > 138-140, 185, 211, 254-264, 288-294, 299-302, 315, 322, 326-327, 331-340,
> > 344-346, 349-350, 431-432, 438-446, 450-452, 471-485, 491
> > gbp/scripts/pq_rpm.py                  278     21    92%   55-56, 69,
> > 74-77, 83, 115-119, 136, 237, 299-300, 318, 453-454, 456, 458-459, 471
> > gbp/scripts/pull.py                    122     43    65%   49-50, 58-77,
> > 114-115, 138-140, 146-152, 159, 163-165, 171, 174-176, 179-187, 193
> > gbp/scripts/rpm_ch.py                  249      8    97%   83, 121,
> > 128-129, 174, 254, 259, 454
> > gbp/scripts/supercommand.py             78     13    83%   57-61,
> 126-127,
> > 129-130, 132-133, 147, 151
> > gbp/tmpfile.py                          21      0   100%
> > gbp/tristate.py                         45      4    91%   37, 50, 101,
> 105
> > gbp/version.py                           1      0   100%
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------
> > TOTAL                                 7756   1074    86%
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Ran 481 tests in 105.840s
> >
> > FAILED (SKIP=8, failures=7)
> > Makefile:11: recipe for target 'test' failed
> > make[2]: *** [test] Error 1
> > make[2]: Leaving directory
> > '/home/actionmystique/src/Git/git-git-buildpackage'
> > debian/rules:21: recipe for target 'override_dh_auto_test' failed
> > make[1]: *** [override_dh_auto_test] Error 2
> > make[1]: Leaving directory
> > '/home/actionmystique/src/Git/git-git-buildpackage'
> > debian/rules:17: recipe for target 'build' failed
> >
> > Regards.
> > --
> > Jean-Christophe

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