Hello everyone,

I'm fairly new to Debian packaging and I've been trying to learn how to
use git-buildpackage as part of the process. I can't seem to get
cowbuilder working properly, which is unfortunate because I'd like to
eventually cross-build for my Pinephone (arm64) from my laptop (amd64).

Here are the exact commands I'm running to test packaging yad, followed
by the error:

wget https://github.com/v1cont/yad/releases/download/v10.1/yad-10.1.tar.xz
tar -xvf yad-10.1.tar.xz
cd yad-10.1
git init
gbp import-orig -u 10.1 --pristine-tar ../yad-10.1.tar.xz
debmake -zx
git add debian/
git commit -m "Initial packaging"
sudo DIST=bullseye ARCH=amd64 git-pbuilder create
sudo gbp buildpackage --git-pbuilder --git-dist=bullseye --git-arch=amd64

I: Extracting source
/sbin/start-stop-daemon: unable to start /bin/sh (Permission denied)
E: pbuilder: Failed extracting the source

Any guidance on this would be much appreciated. I can build the package
just fine with a simple "debuild".

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