On Wed, Jun 03, 2009 at 04:29:11AM -0700, mafro wrote:
> Hey all, couldn't really think of the most appropriate title for this
> question - but as a relative git noob I am hoping someone can just
> clarify something for me..
> I create a project like so:
> 1) On my server, I write a little code, configure my project all via
> command line.
> 2) Now I run git init/add/commit.
> 3) I fire up my laptop and clone to the local machine.
> 4) A period of time later I push all my commits back to the server.
> 5) Then I find myself on the server, but the contents of the original
> folder do not reflect the changes I have made and pushed back up.
> I guess I need to do another clone on the server to a working
> directory to see all the changes I pushed, which leads to the question
> of what do I do with the vanilla project files created in (1) above,
> and further to that - where does the actual repo live?
> I'm sure this is a fundamental misunderstanding on my part. I hope
> someone can clarify this for me.


please refer to:


Kind regards,

                                Petr "Pasky" Baudis
The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne. -- Chaucer

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