We use a flow that I've coined "Diposable topic branches"

It uses two main branches; master and testing

Master is the latest stable production code. Master is always releasable and our production servers track master

Testing is our next release and should be of release quality this is where integration testing and approval to merge that set of commits that were tested together are merged into master. One person is in charge of merging to master right before deploy time.

New development happens in topic branches. So I start development by making a local branch based on testing as featurex, another pair may start a bugfix or feature as featurey. I immediately create a remote branch that matches and I track that remote topic branch. This remote branch can be used for code review, collaboration and pushing the code to one of our five continuous integration environments.

When the feature development is complete, ie product owner, qa, and code reviewer has signed off by reviewing the new feature on one of our test environments the developer is instructed when they can rebase the branch against testing and merge the rebased branch into testing. And then the topic branch is disposed of.

Qa retests testing after each commit or commits and when testing is releasable it's tagged and merged into master as part of the deploy.

You can have many topic branches in limbo. We have long outstanding feature branches that continue to merge testing into them to keep them current with the main line of development but aren't yet ready themselves and they do not block us from moving a small bugfix through the whole process and releasing it to production.

On Feb 11, 2010, at 1:27 AM, "FlashWebHost.com" <flash...@gmail.com> wrote:


We are a small team of 4 programmers. So far we all worked on same
repository, only I do the commit, rest of the 3 programmers make
changes, i verify the code changes and commit. Recently there are lot
of changes in the code, i could not validate all the changes in time.
I find it difficult to validate.

Recently i installed git all on programmer computers and they studied
the basic operations. I need the programmers work on their own copy of
repo and commit them self.

We have a remote repository, setup in gitosis. If i allow everyone to
commit to it, there can be many errors or unwanted changes. Should i
create remote repository for each programmers ?

Can some one give some tips or links where i can find about managing
small project with git ?



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