I'm pretty confused what you're asking here. How does a push or a
stash ever cause you to lose a commit?

My guess is that all you're actually trying to do is make some commits
on a development branch (not master)...


On Mar 12, 3:58 pm, KaibutsuX <sean.gri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Does anyone know if there is a way to store the commit log of your
> local changes before pushing remotely?
> Often I'm working on a project with changes to let's say 50 files. And
> for each file, I commit that file with a description specific to that
> change. So eventually I will have 50 commits all with different
> messages. But if I'm not ready to push those commits to the server
> then I would like to save them.
> If I do a stash, I lose my entire commit tree and have to recommit all
> of those files again with all those messages.
> Again, this is only for working from a central repo.
> Thanks,

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