On Aug 12, 9:09 pm, jd <chima...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > That's because you created a situation known as "detached HEAD".
> > > How can I fix this?  I want "master" to point to the same place as HEAD.
> > Record the name of the commit HEAD points at, checkout master and
> > "hard reset" it to that commit. The simplest way to do that is via a
> > branch or tag:
> > $ git tag foo
> > $ git checkout master
> > $ git reset --hard foo
> > $ git tag -d foo
> Thank you for the help, that seems to have fixed the problem.
> One question: why is the "git checkout master" needed?  (What would
> have happened if I had done the hard reset when the "detached head"
> was checked out?)
Since "foo" would point to the same commit as HEAD, the reset command
would just remove any uncommitted changes in your working tree, if
any; otherwise this reset would be a no-op as you reset HEAD to the
point it points to.
In other words, git-reset resets what is currently checked out, and
its "commit-ish" argument should be interpreted as answering the
question "reset to what commit?", not "what to reset?".

Hence, you wanted to reset master's tip to point to a different
commit, so you checked out master and then reset it (made its tip
point to the commit "foo" pointed to).

Reading through man pages for git-reset and git-rev-parse is highly
advised for understanding of the ideas being involved.

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