Hi, all,

When I checked out a git repository, it has the following remote

$ git br -r
  origin/HEAD -> origin/master

I tried to delete the last branch with a strange long name. Using "git
push" to delete it would fail.

$ git push origin :remotes/origin/dev/main
Pushing to j...@xx.xx.xx.xx:gsfw/omu_fw
error: dst refspec remotes/origin/dev/main matches more than one.
error: failed to push some refs to 'j...@xx.xx.xx.xx:gsfw/omu_fw'

However, I can create a new branch from it:

$ git co -b jou.temp origin/remotes/origin/dev/main
Branch jou.temp3 set up to track remote branch remotes/origin/dev/main
from origin.
Switched to a new branch 'jou.temp3'

But again, I cannot push any changes in "jou.temp3" branch to that
weird branch:

$ git push origin HEAD:remotes/origin/dev/main
error: dst refspec remotes/origin/dev/main matches more than one.
error: failed to push some refs to 'j...@xx.xx.xx.xx:gsfw/omu_fw'

I guess somehow, git is confused by "origin/dev/main" and "origin/
remotes/origin/dev/main". Especially, it cannot identify the latter

I wonder if any one can give me some suggestions on how to deal with
this situation.

Thanks a lot!

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