Well here is what i have done:
cd webstore
git init
git add .
git commit -a -m "initial commit"

Then i go to git.mydomain.com and gitweb displays: "webstore/.git" and
when i try to clone it:
from remote client: git clone http://git.mydomain.com/webstore i get
the warning:
"warning: remote HEAD refers to nonexistent ref, unable to checkout."

So i know my project is not empty...

On Mar 31, 10:44 am, Konstantin Khomoutov
<flatw...@users.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> On Thu, 31 Mar 2011 07:45:01 -0700 (PDT)
> romerve <rome...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I am new to Git and been using SVN for a little while. I have set up
> > Git and i am trying to clone a project via http and i am getting:
> It seems you failed to paste what you're getting.
> > I also setup gitweb to see my projects via browser, everything is
> > working except for 2 things.
> > 1.- when i do: git init to any folder, gitweb shows the new project
> > but it shows it as "proj/.git" instead of just "proj"
> > and 2.- when i try to do: git clonehttp://git.mydomain.com/proj i
> > get: "warning: remote HEAD refers to nonexistent ref, unable to
> > checkout."
> Most probably this happens because you've attempted to clone an empty
> repository, that is, a repository without any commits recorded yet.
> The explanation of why this happens is at [1].  I'm also quite
> confident the first problem (with gitweb's display of such
> repositories) exists due to the same reason.
> > I need to use http as we are implementing LDAP auth and the easiest
> > way is to use apche2 for this.
> You should be aware that HTTP is beleived to be much inferior to the
> Git's built-in protocol so may be you should consider setting up
> gitolite + LDAP [2] and use conventional SSH+git protocol combo.
> Googling for "gitolite+ldap" also yields [3] but I dunno if it
> applies, possibly you could do a similar research yourself.
> (And no, I did not do this kind of setup myself.)
> 1.http://groups.google.com/group/git-users/msg/998d6edba516fe9a
> 2.https://github.com/sitaramc/gitolite/tree/pu/contrib/ldap
> 3.http://www.omat.nl/2010/07/25/sysadmin-status-update/

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