On Mon, May 23, 2011 at 12:38:10PM -0700, Shawn Lindsey wrote:

> New to git. Often in my workflow I will do a >> git add .   ... then I
> will do a >> git commit -m "Change" .... then I will do a >> push
> Sometimes I get this message ... (below)
> Cannot push because you have pending changes. Do a git commit or add
> changes to .gitignore.
> I fix it by doing a >> git commit -am "Change"
> Why do I need the "a" sometimes, and sometimes I don't ... basically I
> am just trying to push changes that I make locally... sometimes I
> change files, delete them, add them.. who knows... but sometimes the
> above situation occurs.
Googling for this unusual error message "Cannout push because..." shows
that this message ever appears when a certain tool is used, called "wn".
I have no idea what system this command is part of (the closest thing I
have managed to found is "webbynode"), but in any case Git has no such
nonsense--push has nothing to do with uncommitted (or whatever else)
So, if you're really using some sort of wrapper around Git, please raise
such questions on that wrapper's public resources first.

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