On Jun 7, 12:04 pm, matseitz_cisco <matse...@cisco.com> wrote:
> Normally, "git log" shows you the changes within your branch.  If
> commit "M" is identical to commit "Z", then branch "User" has no
> changes as a result of commit "M".
> If you want to see the changes between two branches, you need to
> specify that you want to view the changes between the branches (Commit
> F and Commit M), not within the branch (Commit Z and Commit M).

I used Google to try to find more information about this and found
this page:


It says this:

"Ordinarily, a commit has exactly one parent commit, namely, the
previous commit. Merging branches together produces a commit with at
least two parents. This begs the question: what commit does HEAD~10
really refer to? A commit could have multiple parents, so which one do
we follow?

It turns out this notation chooses the first parent every time. This
is desirable because the current branch becomes the first parent
during a merge; frequently you’re only concerned with the changes you
made in the current branch, as opposed to changes merged in from other

You can refer to a specific parent with a caret. For example, to show
the logs from the second parent:

$ git log HEAD^2"

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