The first thing you need to try to diagnose is whether:
a. the far end is falling back to password access b/c it cannot 
authenticate the public key you're sending
b. the pc thinks the local private key requires a password for access

if you can try an ssh connection using the keys with verbose mode turned 
on, you might get more insight. It should (ha ha) be pretty much the same 
command as on the mac.

sorry, many details missing here, I know, but maybe it gives you a 
diagnostic start.

On Monday, July 9, 2012 5:16:48 PM UTC-7, Jackson Beale wrote:
> I have copied my public and private keys from my mac to my pc. I am using 
> git bash. The keys work fine on the mac. I have put the keys in 
> users/owner/.ssh and used the following permissions:
> chmod 700 ~/.ssh
> chmod 600 ~/.ssh/*
> chmod 644 ~/.ssh/known_hosts
> When I try and clone the remote repo, I am asked for a password. Any ideas?

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