On Thursday, September 20, 2012 10:12:49 PM UTC+2, EricP wrote:
> Seems like I have an answer...
> Today, kdiff3 was working when I needed to resolve merge conflicts, not 
> working on others. Seems like there is merge resolution that is being 
> handled by kdiff3 that Git could not go through. So the mergetool isn't 
> only used for "showing" the conflicts and enabling the user to resolve 
> conflicts by hand.
> Pretty neat in my opinion. But I thought Git was equipped with cutting 
> edge merge algorithms. Seems like KDiff3 has some complementary tools!
> Does that make sense?

If what you are saying is that KDiff does not start if Git manages to 
resolve all conflicts on its own, then yes that makes sense. 

If there are no remaining conflicts after a merge (see git status), there 
is nothing left for KDiff to do. 

You can configure 
use KDiff, and then study the last commit like this:

git difftool -t kdiff HEAD~1

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