On Tuesday, October 2, 2012 5:57:13 PM UTC+2, robomatix wrote:

> Hello !
> I'm a newbie in Git and I want to use it with Netbeans:
> I've found these on the web :
> http://netbeans.org/kb/docs/ide/git.html
> http://git-scm.com/book/fr
> Now, you know I'm french !
> The previous links helped me lot, but there're stuffs I don't really 
> understand... 
> I really wants to understand the basics....
> I'd like to know where I can found some tutorials for newsbies on how to 
> use Git and Netbeans together...
It can be a good idea to consider Netbean's Git integration as a thin 
wrapper around the Git functionality. Netbeans is in the end just an editor 
you use to change your files, and source-code management tools like Git are 
orthogonal to this (meaning that they are not really related).

If I were you I would first focus on how to use Git separately (on the 
command line, you can still use Netbeans to edit files), and when you have 
figured that out, start using the Netbeans Git features as shortcuts for 
doing Git stuff.

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