On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 11:08:47PM -0700, seonguk.baek wrote:

> branch : dev01
> 1 - 2 - 3(HEAD)
> branch : dev02
> 1 - A - B (HEAD)
> git merge dev02 into dev01
> branch : dev01
> 1 - A - 2 - B - 3 - Merge Commit(HEAD)

That's incorrect: after merging, dev01 looks like this:

  - 2 - 3 -
 /         \
1           M (HEAD, merge commit)
 \         /
  - A - B - 

I mean, the commits between 1 and M made on both branches before the
merge are not somehow intertwined, as you depicted them -- they are
separate contiguous lines of history, which can be traced separately
from M back to 1, along both paths.

> and I push dev01 to remote repository.
> How can I rollback Merge Commit in remote repostiroy?
> Is it possible revert?

There are two options:

1) Use `git revert -m 1 HEAD` to undo the merge.
   NOTE that `git revert` records a new commit which will contain
   the changes necessary to *textually* undo the previous commit.
   NOTE that you have to pass the "-m <parent_number>" option to the
   command for it to know what line of ancestry it should declare itself
   as following (because a merge commit references two or more lines
   of history and so undoing it requires picking one of them).
   NOTE that recording such a reversion commit might have a far-reaching
   repercussions, as `git revert` manual notes.  In particular, it
   advises you to read [1] before proceeding.

2) When being on a dev01 branch, just do `git reset --hard 3` ("3" means
   the tip commit on dev01 before the merge) and then push again,
   with the --force option.  That will rewrite the history in the remote
   repository which might be a bad thing in itself if someone already
   managed to fetch your merge commit and base their history on it.


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