Hi Thomas,
thanks for the answer. I'm sorry, I didnt explain my question clearly. I 
try to clarify it by this scenario:
"Paul has a repository on GitHub called *rep1 *with some files. On his pc, 
Paul clones it into the local repo called *rep2 *and stored, say, in C:\ "

Now the question is:
How does git know that the local repo stored in "C:\rep2" is mapped on the 
remote rep1 (so that, when I push any local change I've commited, they are 
sent to the right origin)?
Is this piece of info stored in a file? I mean, the* remote -v *command you 
wrote about, how does it retrieves the info it then displays?

Hope this is clearer now.
Thanks a lot in advance for your time and help.

Il giorno martedì 15 gennaio 2013 13:20:31 UTC+1, Thomas Ferris Nicolaisen 
ha scritto:
> On Tuesday, January 15, 2013 12:37:25 PM UTC+1, Floriano Fauzzi wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I want to know what is the file where, Git portable or Git stand alone 
>> software, store the mapping between the clone repository ( on pc ) and the 
>> web repository.
>> I need this information because I know that clone repository could have a 
>> different name compared to web repository.
>> Thanks for the answers.
> A git repository has zero or more remotes. These are other git 
> repositories that contain more or less the same contents as you have 
> locally.
> To see which remotes you currently have configured, use:
> git remote -v
> To see more details about a given remote, for example one called "origin" 
> (which is the default name for the remote when you create the local repo by 
> cloning it from the remote one), do:
> git remote show origin


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