On Saturday, March 2, 2013 12:23:07 AM UTC+1, Philip Oakley wrote:

> From: "Philip Oakley" <philip...@iee.org <javascript:>> 
> Sent: Friday, March 01, 2013 10:36 PM 
> >I have two PCs, one running Windows Msysgit & Git for Windows, which 
> >I'm familiar with, and the other a laptop with Ubuntu (still not 
> >familiar). I have a repo hosted on GitHub. 
> > 
> > I rebased a branch on my windows PC and pushed it to Github with a 
> > forced update. 
> > 
> > I've now fetched the branch to my laptop (Ubuntu) and want to update 
> > that branch to the remote branch tip. The [old] branch is checked out 
> > on the laptop, but the remote/branch is +/- 3 commits different 
> > because of the rebase I did on the Windows PC.So how to sychronise to 
> > the remote? 
> > 
> > I'm sort of wanting the ability to do a 'git pull --ff-only --force ' 
> > or perhaps 'git pull --ff-force' (if they existed)  in this "typical" 
> > real user situation. Such that there is no merge in my branch's 
> > 'tree'. The 'recovering from rebase' section of rebase(1) doesn't 
> > appear to cover this typical(?) case. 
> No sooner than I send in the email that little bit of extra googling 
> finds 
> http://stackoverflow.com/q/4084868/717355 which appears to cover 
> my situation 
> i.e. 
> # on local branch 
> git reset --hard remote/branch 
> Maybe I should suggest a doc update for the synchronisation case. I just 
> didn't think of looking at the 'git reset' man page, but browsed 
> checkout, 
> fetch, pull, merge, et and found nothing that appeared to fit. 
> > 
> > In my current situation I could simply go behind the scenes to rewrite 
> > the contents of the refs/heads/<branch> to match the 
> > refs/remote/<branch> sha1 pointer, and then do a 'git reset --hard' to 
> > update the work tree. 
> > 
> > My question is, is there a short simple, or single, command sequence 
> > that uses the poreclain commands to do this typical update? (and is it 
> > documented somewhere) 
> > 
> > Philip 
Yeah, this is basically the main reason why rebasing is "evil", or at least 
highly confusing. Imagine if that had happened with a whole team of 
developers and not just a single machine.. 

These are one of those things you pick up along the way: If you ever have 
to do a forced push, make sure you warn your collaborators to 

a) store their local work in another branch (than the one you are going to 
b) reset -hard after you have force pushed to correct their local repository

After using Git in a team for a couple of years, I think we've had to go 
through this only a couple of times.  In nearly all cases, it's not worth 

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