Hello to all and thank you for this mailing-list where this is my first post

I guess that many of you know Jekyll - Transform your plain text into 
static websites and blogs <http://jekyllrb.com/> 
the tool that github use to provide those fine github pages.

Those who don't know it yet about jekyll are invited to learn about it, it 
is really a fine tool


But I have one problem with this fine static website generator
I want to be able to rename as freely as possible the filenames that are on 
my github repository<https://github.com/internaciulo/jean-michel.bertrou.eu>
The thing is that I don't want to have ugly broken links on my future 
There should be a javascript redirection from each link that used to work 
fine to the actual version of it

I think it will be quite easy to hack jekyll in order to have those 
necessarry redirections

But for this, I need to have a `REDIRECTIONS` textfile that will be 
automatically updated each time a commit changes to my git repository

   1. I have learned that pre- and post-commit hooks exist but I don't know 
   yet how they work
   2. More importantly, I need your help to know how I can parse a git 
   commit in order to have a list of newly "renamed" files

I say "renamed" files because I have leraned that for git, there is not 
really such thing as a rename operation
At first it confused me, but then I understood that Linus, who is much 
smarter than me ;-), had good reasons to do that

But still, for my static website generator, I *do* need to know which files 
were renamed since the last commit (a broken url is a broken url)
that is, which files git detected as similar enough so that we can safely 
assume it was a rename operation

Can someone helps me with that ?



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