On Thu, 31 Oct 2013 10:05:35 -0700 (PDT)
Adrian Wijasa <awij...@gmail.com> wrote:

> If I visit http://git-scm.com/download/win, I can only download Git
> 1.8.4 that was released on September. The latest Gift was released on
> October.

While the ultimate goal for the Git for Windows project is being
fully integrated into the mainline Git, now it's is still a separate
project which has separate release shedule.  Since this project is
severely undermanned, the binaries for each new major release are
provided only after all major bugs introduced by it are fixed, and this
is done by only 2 or 3 folks in their spare time.

If you'd like to follow the developments consider subscribing to [1].
I must also say (and please take no offence) that it's in vain to try
whining on that list about not releasing a new version: obviously, the
undermanned crew don't get too excited about the next whining bystander
who does not intend to to any contribution to the project but demands
something to be done for him/her by others.

> Also, I got a Delivery Status Notification when I email
> g...@vger.kernel.org. 

DSN per se is not interesting -- it's a concept, so you should tell us
*which* DSN you receive.  As a guess, try to make sure your mail
composing program aren't generating HTML-formatted mails as this sort
of junk is rejected by that list's software.

1. http://groups.google.com/group/msysgit/

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