On Tue, 19 Nov 2013 13:50:49 -0800 (PST)
lesssugar <rgozdzial...@gmail.com> wrote:

> OK - question. I created the remote repo based on your instructions.
> I now have:
> repo at */var/www/repos/app.git*
> applicaton files at */var/www/app*
> I cloned the repo to my local machine via SSH. I did a minor change
> and eventually pushed the modified file to the repo - with success -
> however the file in my application folder did not change. How do I
> synchronize the repo (app.git) with my actual application? I would
> like to see the changes LIVE after I push them. It worked this way
> with Mercurial: there was a remote repo and a local cloned version -
> after performing push the changes were instanlty in the remote.
> How do I do this with Git?

For some reason you've decided to skip the part of my reply dealing
with this:

>>> The solution to (1) is to use a so-called "bare" repository on the 
>>> server (this kind of repository does not contain the work tree)
>>> armed with a post-receive hook -- a script which is run by Git
>>> when certain event happens in the repository, reception of new
>>> commits in our case -- performing actual update of files in a
>>> dedicated directory using the latest (received) state of some
>>> branch. 
>>> Now I'll stop here and let you google for "git+web+deployment" for
>>> this topic has accumulated countless blog posts by now. 

In more words:

1) A bare repository used for deployment is usually armed with a
   post-receive or post-update hook which is a script making sure
   a directory containing a "live" application to be updated
   is brought to reflect the required state -- usually the tip commit
   of a branch updated by pushing.

   This is usually done using something like

   export GIT_DIR=/path/to/the/bare/git/repo.git
   export GIT_INDEX=`mktemp /var/tmp/git_indexXXXXXX`
   trap "rm -f '$GIT_INDEX'" INT TERM QUIT EXIT
   cd /path/to/the/app
   git checkout -f refs/heads/master
   git clean -fdx

2) If you also need to perform database schema upgrades etc
   you'll possibly need a more involved solution.

3) Just freaking google it, as I have asked -- there are literally
   tons of blog posts and HOWTOs, even including specific approaches
   such as updating wordpress-based sites etc.

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