My post on a separate thread brings up what seems to be the same issue.
I'm seeing a modified file when I clone a git repository created on my 
linux machine,
onto a Windows machine.  I tried gc'ing the repo, setting core.autocrlf to 
true on the
Windows machine, changing from cygwin git to msysgit, nothing helps. 

Cloning to a linux machine does not show the modified file. 

On Monday, June 7, 2010 4:01:42 PM UTC-7, Scott O wrote:
> I have a remote repository (at for a virtual 
> collaborative project. I'm using the version of git available via apt- 
> get for ubuntu: I have used Git for few months 
> After the last commit, it now seems very broken. While on that commit 
> it shows 4 files as changed that have not been changed. If I 'git 
> reset --hard', there is no effect, the files are still shown as 
> changed. If I 'git checkout <filename>' one of the files, no effect. 
> If I clone the repository anew, it shows about 100 files as changed in 
> the master branch (different branch from above). Most of these are 
> plugin or javascript files that we have not edited. This is a newly 
> cloned local repository. Same behavior by reset --hard and checkout as 
> above: no effect. Here's reset: 
> $ git reset --hard 
> HEAD is now at 7145157 Neighborhoods list is a one-column list in new 
> service offering page 
> $ git st 
> # On branch master 
> # Changed but not updated: 
> #   (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed) 
> #   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working 
> directory) 
> # 
> #        modified:   public/javascripts/tiny_mce/langs/en.js 
> #        modified:   
> public/javascripts/tiny_mce/plugins/advhr/css/advhr.css 
> ....many more files 
> 'git fsck' gives no output. 
> I even did a 'git gc' on my local repository, push it to a new remote 
> repository and cloned that. The problem is still there! 
> WTF is going on? I'm losing my mind. 
> Thanks, 
> Scott 

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