On 02/19/14 12:56, Thomas Ferris Nicolaisen wrote:

On Wednesday, February 19, 2014 12:31:26 PM UTC+1, Gunnar Strand wrote:

    Hi Oleg,

    There are probably other better solutions, but one way would be to
    add a .gitignore file listing the particular file you do not want
    tracked, and add the .gitignore itself file too.

    http://git-scm.com/docs/gitignore <http://git-scm.com/docs/gitignore>

Since the file is already tracked in this case, doing a normal ignore
will not help.

Right, I stand corrected. It even appears to be gitignore 101.

After some researching using the normal tools, your suggestion of using assumed-unchanged seems appropriate. I find this an interesting problem, but I have been unable to find any trivial solution.

As an alternative, I added the following to a pre-commit hook:

git checkout ignoreme
git reset HEAD ignoreme

This would also solve the problem, but is less elegant than "--assume-unchanged". However, a pull after a commit would result in the ignored
file to be updated with the upstream changes.

But the above test also revealed what I believe is a bug in git. After the pre-commit is executed with "git reset", the "ignoreme" file is still listed as being committed:

# Changes to be committed:
#   (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
# modified:   ignoreme

And adding a commit message results in an empty commit:

ign2$ git --no-pager diff HEAD^ HEAD

I think git should reevaluate the state after the pre-commit hook has been executed, and not create an empty commit unless "--allow-empty" is given to commit. I've submitted this on the bug list.


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