On Saturday, July 5, 2014 7:33:12 AM UTC+2, Matthew Johnson wrote:
> I usually only 'lurk' on this forum, since I am pretty new to Git myself, 
> too. But there are two things that stood out here I feel I need to speak up 
> about: 1) be very, very careful about following the 'guidance' from a Stack 
> Overflow post where neither the question nor any of the answers got a 
> rating higher than 3 2) rebase is NOT part of the normal Git workflow. Its 
> use should be rather rare. I cannot imagine why you would want to do it 
> after every checkout.

I agree, I would personally only bother doing it every once in a while, due 
to the overhead work. However, the more often you do it, the smaller amount 
of conflicts you'll have to deal with at a time. In a busy repository, it 
could be the right thing to do.

> In particular, the man page for git-rebase (recall that to look up git 
> commands in man, you need to add the '-') has two warnings that are likely 
> quite pertinent.
> 1) Rebasing (or any other form of rewriting) a branch that others have 
> based work on is a bad idea

As long as thread-starter is the only one using this feature branch in the 
shared repository, it should be all right.

> Taking a slightly different approach, the online Git book covering rebase (
> http://git-scm.com/book/en/Git-Branching-Rebasing) seems to imply that if 
> what you want to do can be easily done with merge, then you should do so, 
> resorting to rebase only when you want to do odd things like apply not the 
> whole current branch, but only a patch in it to another branch.

I think that's a bit old-fashioned view on things. I think we're better off 
embracing rebase as a tool earlier than later, teaching new users how and 
when to use it appropriately. There are several use-cases for rebase that I 
would classify as normal procedure:

* Doing minor commits on master for which you don't want a branch: git pull 
* Starting off on branches that you end up wanting to just rebase on master 
instead (and fast-forward onto master)
* Rebase interactive to clean up commits

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