On Mon, 13 Oct 2014 07:03:58 -0700 (PDT)
Tom Avey <toma...@fgbc.org> wrote:

> I had some files that apache was keeping
> in /public_html/logs/rewrite_log and that was being tracked by git.
> Files were too large to push so I deleted them and stopped the
> logging feature (I think it was a log of rewrites).  But I am not
> comfortable enough with git rm to confidently remove them from the
> repository.  Can anyone help?

It's not really clear what you're asking for here.

You can be quite confident `git rm` removed the files you told it to
(if you committed the change then, of course) -- if it wouldn't it
would be a bug in Git.

On the other hand, `git rm` obviously only removes the files from the
*present* state of the repository, that is, once you recorded a commit
with these files deleted, they are no longer in the present state of
the project but they are not somehow automatically removed from any
*previous* commits they were part of.

Hence if what you want is to completely wipe them off from the *history*
of changes, pretending as if these files weren't there in the first
place, you need another approach completely -- the `git filter-branch`
command of something more simple-minded like [1].

1. http://rtyley.github.io/bfg-repo-cleaner/

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