Thanks a lot for this very informative answer.
I will read a good Git book.

2014-12-13 18:17 GMT+01:00 Konstantin Khomoutov <>:
> On Fri, 12 Dec 2014 21:51:09 +0100
> "" <> wrote:
> > $ git version
> > git version 2.2.0
> >
> > type again
> > $ git add -v foo.txt
> > no message will display
> >
> > with verbose flag we could have a message similar to SVN
> >
> > svn: warning: W150002: 'foo.txt' is already under version control
> > svn: E200009: Could not add all targets because some targets are
> > already versioned
> > svn: E200009: Illegal target for the requested operation
> >
> > I know Git is not SVN...
> >
> > but displaying "warning: 'foo.txt' is already under version control"
> > will be a good reminder
> >
> > if I have 2 files foo.txt and bar.txt
> > I first git add -v foo.txt
> > then I need to git add -v bar.txt
> > but I did a mistake and type again
> > git add -v foo.txt
> > git will give me an warning message
> > so I could notice that I was wrong
> Oh, I'm afraid you have gross misunderstanding of how Git works
> (compared to Subversion).  In Subversion, "adding" a file means adding
> it to version control -- that is, the file which was untracked becomes
> tracked.  You then use `svn commit` to commit all the changes which are
> there in the work tree or `svn commit fileA fileB ...` to only commit
> changes in fileA, fileB etc.  Contrary to this, Git uses "staging"
> approach to committing: when you run `git commit` (without the -a, -A
> or -u command-line options), the commit is created from the so called
> "staging area" (also known as "the index"); `git add fileA` adds --
> "stages" -- *changes* present in the file fileA so that they will be a
> part of the commit created the next time `git commit` is run.
> Adding a file under version control is just a byproduct of adding the
> file's changes to the staging area.  I mean, Git really does not have a
> dedicated "add this file to version control" operation.  This means
> a warning message like that in Subversion simply cannot exist in Git
> as it does not have a concept to which that warning applies.
> Now I can see why you don't see anything when attempting to `git add -v`
> a file whose content did not change since the last `git add` had been
> run for it:
> ~% git init /tmp/foo
> Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/foo/.git/
> ~% cd /tmp/foo
> foo% touch foo.txt
> foo% git add -v foo.txt
> add 'foo.txt'
> foo% echo bang >foo.txt
> foo% git add -v foo.txt
> add 'foo.txt'
> foo% git add -v foo.txt
> foo%
> As you can see, the `git add -v` command printed it "added" the file
> two times out of three: the first time the file wasn't yet tracked, so
> `git add` staged the file's contents (this obviously counts as a change
> -- the size of the whole file), and the second time -- after the file's
> contents changed.  The third time it printed nothing since the file's
> contents did not change, and hence the command did nothing.
> To recap, the meaning of `git add -v` mentioning the file in its output
> means the file's contents had been staged.  If you wonder why this
> might be at all useful, consider `git add`-ing a bunch of files using
> either a wildcard, like '*', or just '.' meaning the current directory
> -- in this case `git add` would only print the names of the files
> it incorporated changes from, skipping the rest: ignored files and
> files which did not changed compared to the staging area.
> > I also would like to define git to display verbose message by default
> > (without this -v flag)
> > is there a config file for this ?
> No idea.  Run `git help config` and try to search for the word
> "verbose".  In any case you can use a git alias, like
>   git config --add alias.vadd 'add -v'
> and now you can do `git vadd file...`.
> But before you do that...
> I would strongly advise you to start with a good book on Git *before*
> you will embark on using it in production: way too many people assume
> that once they know some version control system, they know how version
> control works.  This is wrong.  Git in many ways is radically different
> from Subversion, and I'm not referring to to different meaning of the
> same-named commands but rather differences in the underlying concepts
> and approaches.  Hence I advise you to save yourself from possible
> future pain in the neck and learn the Git's concepts and approaches up
> front.

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