On Thu, 2 Apr 2015 03:21:05 -0700 (PDT)
Uwe Bieling <a.1.psychi0...@spamgourmet.com> wrote:

> I'm using a filter for rcs-keywords expansion. Now i want to use a
> second filter to clean some data inside the project on the same file. 
> Are there any posibilities to run the keywords expansion first and
> after this my filter? I don't want to modify the original
> keywords-filter, because it's not mine and i don't want to get
> troubles with updates of this filter.

Create a wrapper script which calls the first printer program and pipes
its output to the second filter program (which has its stdout connected
to that of the script interpreter and then specify the script as a
filter instead of the original one.

In the simplest case, if you have

  *.c    filter=rcs-keywords
  [filter "rcs-keywords"]
      clean = rcs-remove
      smudge = rcs-expand

You could then write a shell script

  set -e -u
  usage(fd) {
    echo 'Usage: myscript {clean|smudge}'
  if [ $# -ne 1 ];
    usage >&2
    exit 1
  case "$1" in
      myfilter -clean | rcs-remove
      rcs-expand | myfilter -smudge
      exit 0
      usage >&2
      exit 1

And then change the definition in .gitattributes:

  *.c    filter=complex
  [filter "complex"]
      clean = ~/bin/complex-git-filter clean
      smudge = ~/bin/complex-git-filter smudge

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