On Tue, 21 Apr 2015 09:30:00 -0700 (PDT)
a...@mojotech.com wrote:

> > ^^^ This one.  The Git mailing list accepts only plain text
> > messages. Even multipart/alternative messages containing both plain
> > text and HTML parts containing the same text (semantically) are not
> > accepted. 
> >
> > It appears, that the gmail web interface does this, unfortunately. 
> >
> > Please try sending your mail from a simple no-frills mail client
> > and make sure you have HTML crap turned off in its settings (if it
> > has these).  Namely, Thunderbird uses HTML by default. 
> >
> Thanks! Could you suggest one? I used to use Pine on Telnet back in
> the day, but that was pre Gmail.

Personally, I'm using Sylpheed but Thunderbird would do as well.
Thunderbird defaults to producing HTML, but this can be turned off --
either completely or for the current message only.  Sylpheed defaults
to plain text.

>From quick googling it turns out that Evolution can't be set to not
attach junk HTML, and Outlook, of course, exhibits the same behaviour.

Not sure about other popular software packages.

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