I learned a lot about git usage from you, so thanks for your suggestions & 

I tried your suggestions, and found no additional error message, which can 
explain why the working dir is not updated. 

BUT: you wrote, that the working dir is updated only, when there was at 
least one change in local repo, it was committed, then I push to the git 
bare repo on the server.
Yeah, it seems, this was the cause why the working dir was not updated.

I tried the post-update hook, too, but no difference.

My problems:
1) Basically I would like to update the working dir, when I do a git push 
to the server.
Is it possible?

2) My second problem, what happens, when I delete a file from the local 
Is it also deleted from the working dir?
git checkout -f
does a copy (which leaves deleted files in target dir)?
does a mirror (which deletes the deleted files from target dir, so will 
always have exactly the same content )?

Basically I would need mirroring.

Any ideas for these 2 problems?

Thanks is advance,
Konrad Lorinczi

2015. április 24., péntek 21:42:47 UTC+2 időpontban Konstantin Khomoutov a 
következőt írta:
> On Fri, 24 Apr 2015 11:59:33 -0700 (PDT) 
> Konrád Lőrinczi <klor...@gmail.com <javascript:>> wrote: 
> [...] 
> >     mkdir /domains/git/site-bare.git 
> >     cd /domains/git/site-bare.git 
> >     git --git-dir=. --work-tree=/domains/site/test-workdir/. init 
> >     git config receive.denycurrentbranch ignore 
> >     cd /domains/git/site-bare.git/hooks 
> >     nano post-receive 
> >     # add the following content until # end 
> >     #!/bin/sh 
> >     export GIT_WORK_TREE=/domains/site/test-workdir/. 
> >     export GIT_DIR=/domains/git/site-bare.git/.git 
> ^^^ This. 
> The GIT_DIR environment variable tells Git where the "Git database 
> directory" is located. 
> But a bare Git repo *is* the Git database directory in itself. 
> That makes it different from a "normal" Git repository, in which the 
> root directory is the so-called work tree, and the Git database 
> directory is typically located beneath and called ".git". 
> Obviously, in a bare repo, there's no ".git" subdirectory. 
> Bare repos even typically have the ".git" suffix appended to their names 
> precisely to signify they already are ".git directories". 
> [...] 
> >     git push web-remote master 
> > 
> > 
> > Once I also got the 
> [...] 
> >     remote: fatal: Not a git repository: 
> > '/domains/git/site-bare.git/.git' 
> That most probably was the message a Git program run from your hook 
> script yelled at you.  Since you did not enable/provide proper error 
> reporting in your hook script, even though `git checkout` failed with 
> that error message, the script continued to chug along and hence the 
> receive operation succeeded. 
> [...] 
> > Later I did not get such "Not a git repository" error. 
> Did the hook run? 
> If you had no new commits to push, the hook was not run. 
> > But anyway, the workdir is not filled with content, this is my 
> > problem. 
> > 
> > UPDATE: If I do "git checkout -f" of the server, then the workdir is 
> > updated. So this means that the post-receive hook is not executed. 
> > 
> > Any idea why the remote workdir is not updated? 
> There are many issues with your approach. 
> The first one is that your GIT_DIR setting is incorrect (and outright 
> nonsensical) as I expained above.  But I'd say it is not needed at all: 
> when the hook runs, it already has all the Git-related settings in its 
> environment.  So you only has to provide it with the location of your 
> work tree. 
> The second problem is that the hook is supposed to fail (that is, to 
> exit with a non-zero exit code; supposedly having printed out an error 
> message to the standard error stream before doing that) as soon as it 
> encounters an error.  In your case I'd start with placing the line 
>   set -e -u 
> somewhere right after the shebang line (that #!/bin/sh thing).  This 
> would ask the shell to crash and burn as soon as any command it 
> executed failed (and that was not properly handled by the script) or 
> the script attempts to dereference a variable which was not assigned a 
> value. 
> I would also say that the correct event for the hook like yours is 
> post-update, not post-receive.  Receiving deals with, well, receiving, 
> while post-update means the heads (branches) were already updated with 
> their new commits. 
> And another pro-tip.  If you need to debug a script, running 
> non-interactively, a useful "trick" is to wrap it in another script, 
> something like this: 
>   #!/bin/sh 
>   set -e -u 
>   orig="`dirname '$0'`/post-update.orig" 
>   exec /bin/sh -x "$orig" $@ >/var/tmp/my-hook-trace.log 2>&1 
> Where your post-update.orig is the original script to debug, and the 
> script I showed is temporarily made the post-update hook. 
> The "-x" command-line option instructs the shell to trace the execution 
> of the script it's told to run, and that trace ends up in the log file 
> -- with all the diagnostic and error messages. 

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