hiroki yasui <hiroma...@gmail.com> writes:
> .gitconfig file is 
> [alias]
>     am = "!f(){ git commit -am \"$1\";};f"

First, there is no reason for your shell command to define a function
and then call it.  The alias should just execute what is now the body of
the function:

>     am = "!git commit -am \"$1\""

Second, the error message shows that quoting is not having the effect
you want.  You gave git-am the argument >modified something logic< and
the error message shows that Git took >modified something logic< as the
name of a file:

> $ git am "modified something logic"
> something error occurred.
> fatal: could not open 'filepath//modified something logic: No such file or 
>> directory

The string that Git sees for the alias is >git commit -am "$1"<.  So
when you substitute $1 (>modified something logic<) you get:

    git commit -am "modified something logic"

Git puts that string into the shell, the shell spawns a Git subprocess,
and it generates that error.

You would get the effect you want if you write

>     am = "!git commit -am $1"

because then the expanded command is >git commit -sm modified something logic<

What you'd really like is

>     am = "!git commit -am \"$@\""

because then you wouldn't need to quote the three arguments you gave to
git-am into one argument, and it would handle file names with spaces.
But I don't know if Git respects the >"$@"< idiom when it is
substituting arguments into an alias.

In practice, it would probably suffice to write

>     am = "!git commit -am $*"

In any case, flatworm's solution is simpler and works at least as well.


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