> I'm working with a team that is new to git.  I'm not "new" to git, but I 
> wouldn't describe myself as an expert.  However, I've used almost every 
> popular SCM tool that came before, since there were SCM tools.

> Their original process was very primitive, simply committing and pushing 
> directly to master, all in a single remote repo.

> I'm moving them towards a better process in steps.  This week I'm 
> transitioning them to creating feature branches and pull requests.  I haven't 
> advised them to have each developer fork the main repo and create the feature 
> branch from that fork, I'm just having them create the feature branch from 
> the main repo.

> I'm well aware that in large-scale open-source development, the fork approach 
> is the only reasonable way to work.

> What I'd like to hear is clear and objective arguments for when the fork 
> approach is critical, and when it might not be that critical, in the context 
> of an internal commercial project.

Hi David,

Some thoughts: You don't say how big the team is or how busy the changes are, 
and if they overlap, which is a question about how much coordination is needed 
(can they self coordinate?).

If the team were to use a fork based approach, then you should be providing the 
fork server (obviously?), A fork based approach allows the individuals a level 
of freedom to try stuff without cluttering the golden repo. When the OP branch 
is looking reasonable it can be pushed up (on a branch of its own) to see if it 
integrates OK. You will still need a coordination mechanism (e.g. see Git's own 
master-next-pu approach)

Even if you do not use forks, you will still need a local branch naming 
convention, so that you can tell whose is whose. You will also need a method 
for deciding how to purge other folks rubbish (which they may disagree about...)


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