
I'm a new git user, and I am trying to clone a bare repository and having 
difficulty making/pushing changes in the main/cloned repository.  I believe 
that I created the repository correctly under:


These folders/files are in that folder:

     branches   config   description   HEAD   hooks   info   objects   refs

Within this project.git folder, I cannot enter this command:

     echo 'TODO: Add contents for README' > README

I receive the message: Permission Denied.

In my cloned repository, I have this folder structure:


I used the "echo" command above to create a README file in this folder and 
executed these commands:

     git status -s
     git add .
     get status -s

This leaves me with:


which seems okay.  When I try to commit:

     git commit -m ‘Initial Commit’

nothing happens.  When I type this:

     git log

I receive the message: "fatal: your current branch 'master' does not have 
any commits yet".

When I try to push:

     git push origin master

I receive the message: "error: failed to push some refs to 

Obviously, I don't know what I'm doing.  Can someone make some suggestions?

Thank you.

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