On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 10:23:12AM -0700, DynV Montrealer wrote:

> I'd like to delete revision 2 & 5 on 
> http://gist.github.com/WilliamCQ/4d734bf3e7c3ab59b08c949f1ab673d7 and have 
> no idea how to proceed by command line and the web interface won't let me 
> do it; it's support assured me it can only be done by command and they 
> won't help with that. Please keep in mind I'm a beginner.
> Thank you kindly for your help
> PS: I'm not sure what's going on but it won't let me post with the 
> following tags: gist, github, delete revision, remove revision, dump 
> revision, clear revision, eradicate revision.

>From what I gather from the description and looking at the linked
resource, you're asking about removing a pair of revisions from a
Github's "gist" -- which is online (that is, web-based) collaborative
facility for editing text.  It has nothing to do with Git, which is a
VCS and has nothing to do with Github.

Please try reaching for Github's help facilities:

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