On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 07:07:47PM -0700, Ray Joseph wrote:

> Our team is using Dropbox and we want to change to Git.  I have seen many 
> articles on how to use them together, but not how to transition.  Is it 
> possible to capture the Dropbox versioning over to a new Git repo?

DropBox has a "web API" available which can be used to retreive the list
of revisions for a particular file, and obtain each of these revisions.

So you could code up a tool which, given an URL of a project's root
folder on your DropBox account, would list the folder's contents then
walk the revisions of each file, and download them.  The simplest way to
shovel them to a Git repo is, IMO, appending them to a file formatted to
the expectations of the `git fast-import` command [1].

I'm not well-versed in DropBox semantics so I don't know whether DropBox
supports atomic updates of several files at once or each update
operation always happens on a single file (and so the commits you'll be
synthesizing for a Git repo will also be single-files).  You'd also need
to track renames (in Git, a rename is deletion of a file from its old
location and addition of it at a new one -- that is, no special "rename"
operation is supported).

I'm pretty sure there should exist ready-made libraries for popular
scripting languages to make use of DropBox API.

1. https://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-fast-import.html

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