Michael Forbes <michael.for...@gmail.com> writes:


I am trying to find a good solution to this use-case that seems to require
expansion in the .gitconfig file:

1. Multiple users share the same account on a machine (this is using CoCalc <http://cocalc.org> where the user is the project id so changing this is
not an option).
2. We would like to be able to use git, but with proper recording of which
user made the commit.

I work this with mercurial by having each user set an environment variable when they log in, and then adding the following to the project .hgrc file:

username = $LC_HG_USERNAME

This fails in the .gitconfig file as expansion is not performed
A workaround suggested there is to do something like this in the .bashrc

git config --global user.name=$LC_GIT_USERNAME

This means, however, that all commits will be logged as the last user who logged in - which mucks up the use case where multiple people might be
logged in at the same time.

Any suggestions for how to get git to work nicely in this case?

If I understand you correctly you rely on the logged in user setting
$LC_GIT_USERNAME properly, how is that done?

If it's done using some script, maybe you can simply modify that script
to *create* the proper ~/.gitconfig at the same time?


Magnus Therning              OpenPGP: 0x927912051716CE39
email: mag...@therning.org   jabber: mag...@therning.org
twitter: magthe               http://therning.org/magnus

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