Hi Daryl,

You may need a slight change of mind set. Git does not do things the way other (older) SCMs do/did.

Git status, in general, is all about your local repository, so if you haven't done anything, it won't say anything.

The other "remote" repository must be explicitly queried to find out about differences. At this point, be very wary of most mentions of 'remotes', as they are talking about your local copy of the remote, rather than what is truly at that distant remote repository.

One method is (as per https://stackoverflow.com/a/7939193/717355)
`git fetch --dry-run` The manual (git help fetch) says:

Show what would be done, without making any changes.

As an aside, I generally try to avoid `git pull` because it does both `git fetch` (which you want) and `git merge` which may not be what you want.

The fetch stores the distant repo in the local 'remote' and is just part of the 'branch' management, with nice naming conventions.



----- Original Message ----- From: <rosed...@gmail.com>
To: "Git for human beings" <git-users@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2018 7:18 PM
Subject: [git-users] How to monitor a git repository for changes

I'm new to git and just now learning how to use it and the commands.

I've cloned some remote repositories to a local machine, and I would like
to be able to monitor those repositories for changes via a script.

After some research, I thought that "git status" would report back the
status of the repository and if there had been changes that need to be
pulled to the local clone.  However, after some testing, I can't get it to
work as I expected.  I tested on some repo's that I know had recently been
changed, but "git status" always came back with "Your branch is up-to-date
with 'origin/master' ".   Perhaps I don't know the correct way to use git
status, but I would think that I should get something back saying that
there were changes, not that my branch was up-to-date.

I've looked at some other suggestions that I found online, like "git
ls-files", but nothing seems to provide the information that I need.

How can I monitor a remote git repo for changes?



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