On Fri, 26 Apr 2019, 04:22 ckdev101, <ckoe...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Here is the team make-up:
>    - Sprint Team #1
>    - Sprint Team #2
>    - *Shared* DBA across teams
>    - Dev. Lead (Myself)
> ...
> The problem is that the shared DBA needs to constantly and consistently
> make changes *across* teams for SQL-related items. In addition, for just
> SQL related items his changes need to be considered authoritative. His
> changes are localized to a specific folder, if that helps.

In my experience, you'll have much better experience with shared-nothing
setup. We have one database per developer, but during development the
database doesn't need to contain production data as-is but something with
the same schema and minimum data to test (all?) features.

If you have a solid set of database migration scripts, each developer
should be able to start with empty database and the migration takes care of
the rest.

Note that none of the above had nothing to do with git except that git is
already distributed and already fits the shared nothing style.


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