I am running git on Windows, and the below question applies when I'm 
committing to the local repository.

I have a requirement to substitute keywords in a program header when the 
file is committed.  From what I am finding it looks like I need to use a 
filter.  My plan is to have the filter run a shell script that uses sed to 
replace the keywords.

The filter will be configured as: 

In .gitattributes add:
*.c filter=subvalues

The .gitattributes file is in the local repot .git directory.

then run:
git config --global filter.subvalues.clean *subvalues*
git config --global filter.subvalues.smudge cat

where *subvalues *is a shell script that uses sed to search and replace a 

I added a .c file, but the substitution did not seem to happen.

How do I tell if git is running the subvalues script?  

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