Just stop the dumb shit before u regret your actions. Mase;)

On Wed, Sep 1, 2021, 9:44 AM Philip Oakley <philipoakley@iee.email> wrote:

> If you can avoid branching feat-2 from feat-1 then that is worthwhile if
> if allows an independent feat-2 to be released while feat1 is still in
> test. However if there is some shared code, then it's worth branching
> earlier within feat-1 before the feature-1 visible changes show up. It is
> there that a code move rebase may be valid (must end up 'treesame' to the
> code in test), just so you gain that starting foothold.
> rebase --squash is useful for minor corrections and mistakes, but it (from
> my perspective) is poor practice to simply squash everything into the
> classic "big ball of mud" change - that's also a hang-over from drawing
> office procedures, and legal wanting to avoid 'discovery' (which is why you
> rebase early & often, but retain a clean history ;-).
> How is the team, management, and the servers organised? This can affect
> how you can get the best workflow. Do you have independent forks on the
> server, or does every one have commit privilege to the golden branch
> (separation of concerns..)?. Is there a 'maintainer', who does that final
> validation for the merges and tagging of releases? Is this an entirely
> software product - is it GUI style, or hardware control or database
> manipulation, etc. (who else has fingers in the pie who aren't
> coders/devs). Is it a run fast and break things shop, or a steady as she
> goes, no icebergs shop?
> On Tuesday, August 31, 2021 at 12:09:06 AM UTC+1 SJW wrote:
>> Thanks to both of you for providing such detailed, in-depth responses.
>> Your assumptions were correct. I branch per feature.  I have actually
>> branched a new branch (feature-branch-2) from another feature branch
>> (feature-branch-1) once but then I wasn't sure if it was logically right
>> because now, feature-branch-2 actually has 2 projects or features and it is
>> entirely possible for feature-branch-2 to be approved for production before
>> feature-branch-1.  Not a major problem I guess because  I can just leave it
>> unpublished until they are both approved however, just wasn't sure if I was
>> following good practice.
>> And then, new changes to feature-branch-1 - I thought - do I just apply
>> them into feature-branch-2 and make this the single release no longer
>> requiring me to manage 2 branches... Your comments have given me some food
>> for thought.  I will do a bit more rebase research I think
>> I did look at rebase --squash and thought it was an idea given the
>> numerous commits I might have in a branch but, I was concerned about losing
>> history and wasn't sure the benefit outweighed the detriment so your
>> comments have solidified my thinking on this.
>> There's a bit to unpack in the responses so I will get acquainted with
>> these suggestions.
>> Any recommendations on learning would be appreciated too - if you have a
>> YT video or text or something else that covers the common usage patterns I
>> am interested in learning.
>> On Tuesday, 31 August 2021 at 02:32:26 UTC+10 Mikko Rantalainen wrote:
>>> On Sun, Aug 29, 2021 at 3:51 AM SJW wrote:
>>>> I will regularly create feature branches for each new enhancement or
>>>> fix. The problem rears its head when testing is delayed and the first
>>>> feature (feature-branch-1) is still not approved for production and sits as
>>>> a branch awaiting merge.
>>>> Now, in my feature-branch-4 I am working In a similar area and really
>>>> need to consider changes from feature-branch-1 and I usually just copy some
>>>> of those changes over.
>>>> Now this is not very efficient and I thought rebase would work great
>>>> BUT that code is not approved and may actually change.
>>>> I really just don't know what's the most efficient way to manage
>>>> situations like this without stopping development and waiting for testers
>>>> to approve code but this approach results in 1-2 days of waste where I just
>>>> twiddle my fingers waiting...
>>> I'm assuming you're already able to commit logical changes, not files.
>>> If that's not true, learn that first.
>>> I'm also assuming you're doing real feature branches instead of having a
>>> single branch per developer.
>>> The way I do it is to assume that whatever code my current branch
>>> depends on is going to be blessed in the future. Or at least the internal
>>> APIs that I use do not change and the problems are just in the
>>> implementation of those APIs. So logically I just branch my next feature on
>>> top of the non-blessed previous branch X.
>>> When testing/QA finds something wrong in branch X, it will be fixed as
>>> new branch X' and I just rebase my branch from X onto X' (see "git rebase
>>> --onto").
>>> If you mix bug fixes and features in your feature branch, the simplest
>>> way is to just "git rebase -i" your own branch and reorder/push all the bug
>>> fix patches towards the already blessed commits (that is, make the
>>> DAG/"history" appear like you did all the bug fixes first and all the
>>> feature stuff after that). That would allow getting those included in the
>>> blessed master(?) branch sooner (simple and minified bug fixes should be
>>> obvious and easy to verify). Logically you would have an implicit branch
>>> called bug-fixes that follows the blessed code and your feature branch then
>>> builds on that implicit branch.
>>> Note that whenever you rebase or merge any code, all the testing done on
>>> the old branch is of dubious value because of unforeseen interactions with
>>> the combined code. That's why I prefer to do automated testing that's
>>> included in the feature branch so that you can easily re-run the tests
>>> after the merge/rebase.
>>> And never ever do squash merge/rebase, that just loses history. If you
>>> want to make it easier to understand that some sequence of commits should
>>> be considered an inseparable unit, do a "bypass" next to it with "git merge
>>> --no-ff". That way your bypass commit will be equal to squash commit but it
>>> will have a parallel line with all the original commit details. I prefer to
>>> do such bypass merges only for the blessed/master version but if you want
>>> to do it early, you will need to do "git rebase -p" from that point forward
>>> which will make things more awkward.
>>> --
>>> Mikko
>>> --
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