I would like to add something like this:

Operating System: Windows 7 Home Edition
Virtualization Layer: VMWare Workstation 15
Virtual Operating System: Windows 11 Workstation Pro
Computer: Toshiba Laptop L670

This will help me remember in what environment I made these software 
changes, especially if in a far further I go do something else and forget 
about this.

I see some downsides to this:

1. The first line might cause problems.
2. Hackers get wiser.
3. My "teammates" might not like it if I add this data to the commits.
4. Increases size of git log/git commit messages, waste some screen space 
and some disk space.

WOW two lamps just failed at the same time ?! What are the odds of that... 
very weird... G4/G5 radiation ? Super strange... 

Anyway I was going to write, point 4 is a big concern when wanting to read 
git commit messages. I could try and reduce it to one line maybe.

If there was an option to hide this from standard git commit messages that 
be great if this could only be displayed if I really wanted to know this in 
case of some kind of confusion/emergency or issue.

I will assume this is not possible, but let me know if it is possible 
somehow... perhaps some "collapse" statement that git can process like:

Operating System: Windows 7 Home Edition
Virtualization Layer: VMWare Workstation 15
Virtual Operating System: Windows 11 Workstation Pro
Computer: Toshiba Laptop L670

That would be cool and then I could write:

git log --graph --all --expand

I will give this git template a quick try but I will probably undo it soon, 
because git log spam is probably a bad idea.

Bye for now,

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