I've written a web app named *sched.  *Code is on my server in two
repositories: *development *and *production*.

I also have a *sched *repository on github, with two branches: *master *and

The workflow for moving changes from development to production has three

   1. On my server, push from *development *repo to *develop *branch of
   github repo.
   2. On github, pull from *develop* to *master*.
   3. On my server, pull from *master* branch of the github repo to *production

The rules of the game are that code is changed only in *development, *never
in *production.*  But I've occasionally broken the rules and made an
emergency fix in *production.  *I've gotten by with this process for
several years, though sometimes I've had to do tricks such as caching my
emergency fixes in order to get step 3 (above) to work.

But now, it seems, my sins have caught up with me.  To make a long story
short, when I try to do the pull in step 3, it fails, with many reported
problems that are beyond my newbie skill set to fix.

So, my most urgent question is: Would it be safe to just delete the
whole *production
*directory (including the get repo files), and then git-clone the
*master* branch
of the github repo onto  my server, where it would be the new *production *

If not, got any other suggestions?

~ Thanks in advance
~ Ken

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