Skybuck, maybe this will help clear up this issue:

-----Original Message-----
From: skybuck2000 <>
To: Git for human beings <>
Sent: Mon, Feb 28, 2022 12:47 am
Subject: [git-users] Re: GIT failed to checkout the linux kernel on a 6 GB 

Oh, Oh...
So while I was waiting for the linux kernel to checkout I was reading some 
random stuff about operating systems, or mostly linux boot loaders other os 
loaders and some people on github involved with linux and then I switch back to 
the linux checkout and I notice this:
new@new-PC MINGW64 /e/SourceCode/LinuxKernelWorkAround
$ git clone
Cloning into 'linux'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 8590563, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (23/23), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (23/23), done.
remote: Total 8590563 (delta 9), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 8590540
Receiving objects: 100% (8590563/8590563), 3.49 GiB | 9.28 MiB/s, done.
fatal: Out of memory, malloc failed (tried to allocate 214601 bytes)
fatal: index-pack failed
BOOOOM... failed.
My recommendation is to PAUSE git if it runs out of memory cause enabling 
pagefile.sys is a big fat no-no as far as I am concerned and I am never ever 
going back to pagefile.sys or any other disk caching technology cause it SLOWS 
down my SYSTEM(S) incredibly and therefore IT SUCKS.
This crash of git was probably caused by the memory consumption of firefox and 
webpages and blabla.
But fear not I will try again over"night" when I go to "sleep" (don't hack me 
bro hahaha !) and then my poor little laptop with 6 GBs of RAM can try one more 
time without me fucking up the process by taking up RAM bleh.
And if that fails... well holy fok ! At least the shallow clone trick worked 
but common.... THIS IS GIT.
So FAR GIT was pretty good, but this is the first time GIT massively FAILS and 
is not capable of copeing with THE SKYBUCK LOL.
You know I have better things to do then wait 6 hours for a linux git checkout 
?! Do you see my point ?!
This is definetly something where GIT should be made more reliable !
Don't give me wrong, GIT impresses me many times, but this one 
Invest some of your time writing out of memory resistant computer programs/GIT 
versions it may be worth it someday when we hit BIG FAT TRANSISTOR scaling 
down/up issues whatever. HAHA.
Memory does not grow on trees lol. SOME DAY moore's lllaw will come to an 
END... start preparing for it ! 

Here is some helpfull hints:
of Alloc
write it like
if TryAlloc(...){
OK ?
Believe me it's not that hard, it just requires some time.
And in case you didn't get it here is how you may implement TryAlloc
int TryAlloc( ...){  try
     Alloc     return true
  catch exptions
    return false

Something like that.
Good luck !
One last tip, also check for storage space if git runs out of storage space.
Pause the program, possibly with a dialog screen or even better, terminate the 
command and make it possible to continue the command later... if that is too 
difficult... at least pausethe command and make the user hit a button to 
continue and try again.
Again not that hard and well worth it.
This allows the users to free up space, to continue these kinds of long 
And let's be honest there is no indicator how much space a checkout requires so 
sooner or later people will run out of space.
For now with big terrabyte disks, not yet a problem... then again... my disks 
after a few years pretty full, cause there is so much fun toy stuff out 
there... and again moore's law will strike the harddisk world as well someday ! 
Prepare for it ! Yeah
And in cause you don't believe me my own UDP File Transfer already does all of 
it that I wrote above :P*
Yes and I have also have an unreleased version which can do 64 bit file 
transfer instead of just 32 bits.
Perhaps a simpler program then again it's also complex enough that it proves it 
can be done (in Delphi and I am sure C/C++ can do it as well, cause Delphi is 
mostly a subset of C/C++)

Bye,  Skybuck.  (I mean it, get this done !)-- 
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