WWW-www.enlightenment.org pushed a commit to branch master.


commit 1a1b048958033cc9a3ee98fe4720d99f9a25c72d
Author: Raster <ras...@rasterman.com>
Date:   Sat May 16 22:21:54 2015 -0700

    Wiki page start changed with summary [] by Raster
 pages/docs/c/start.txt | 85 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 85 insertions(+)

diff --git a/pages/docs/c/start.txt b/pages/docs/c/start.txt
index e1b25b3..2b382f4 100644
--- a/pages/docs/c/start.txt
+++ b/pages/docs/c/start.txt
@@ -343,6 +343,91 @@ The ''do while'' loop is just like ''while'' But the test 
statement is executed
 ==== Pre-processor and Macros ====
+You already had your first encounter with the C pre-processor with the 
''#include'' line in the first "Hello world" example above. The pre-processor 
is "executed" during compilation before the code is actually parsed by the C 
compiler proper. The job of the pre-processor in general is to "generate" more 
code. This mechanism is used to save a lot of repetitive typing, copy & 
pasting, conditional compilation (compile section of code A instead of code B 
based on compile-time information), a [...]
+== System include headers ==
+<code c>
+#include <Eina.h>
+These headers define functions, types and even other pre-processor macros for 
use in your code. These headers are generally provided by system libraries 
(such as libc or EFL etc.) and you generally would place such include lines at 
the top of your C source files to indicate you are "including" the content of 
that file. Remember that this file is also passed through the pre-processor and 
thus can recurse, including more files than can include more files and so on. 
All the content of these [...]
+== Local headers ==
+<code c>
+#include "myheader.h"
+Once your projects get a bit larger, you will divide your application or 
library up into many .c and .h files. The headers (.h files) will define things 
from other parts of your source code base. you likely will use a Makefile or 
some similar mechanism to compile your project file by file and then link it 
together. You will compile the .c files, and include .h files along the way. 
The ''"'' quotes as opposed to the ''<>'' is that this here searches in the 
same directory as the source fil [...]
+== Defined values ==
+<code c>
+#define NUM_ITEMS 100
+int x = NUM_ITEMS;
+It is useful to avoid "magic numbers" in your code to define them in a central 
place (at the top of your .c files or in a shared common .h file) and give them 
a name. If you need to change them later, you change them in one place only. 
This also helps document the purpose of this magic value as it gives it a 
descriptive name, improving maintainability. Note that you can also "undefine" 
a value with an ''#undef NUM_ITEMS'' for example. This will remove the 
definition from that point on in [...]
+<code c>
+#define MY_TITLE "Hello world"
+printf("This is: %n", MY_TITLE);
+You can define anything. It literally is a "string replacement" system, so it 
will replace the defined toke with what you define it as. This works with 
numbers, strings, functions and whole sections of text. You can even define a 
definition with other definitions inside of it:
+<code c>
+#define NUM_ITEMS 100
+#define MY_STRING "Hello", NUM_ITEMS
+printf("This string: %s has %i items\n", MY_STRING);
+== More complex macros ==
+<code c>
+#define SIMPLE_FUNC(x, y) complex_func(100, 200, x, "hello", 4.8, y)
+int x = rand();
+SIMPLE_FUNC("Boo", 10 * x);
+You can define macros that take parameters. They will produce the code that 
you specify exactly as given, replacing instances of the tokens given as 
parameters as they are passed into the macro. This is extremely useful in being 
able to simplify and make code more concise. The tokens passed in don't have to 
even have to be simple single values. They can be entire expressions going on 
and on, even entire snippets of code. Such macros are very powerful, and a 
common convention in C is to m [...]
+== Conditional compilation ==
+<code c>
+  {
+#ifdef _WIN32
+    // windows specific code here
+    // generic code here
+  }
+Another very common use of the pre-processor is to compile only some pieces of 
code in specific circumstances. A common use-case is for portability (but you 
can also use this along with #includes, macros etc. to use the pre-processor as 
a code-generation tool to save a lot of re-typing of almost the same bits of 
code). On one platform you may have to have some pieces of code work in a 
specific way that differs from other platforms. This commonly happens with 
Windows vs Linux vs BSD etc.  [...]
+You can use this also to compile your code with features enabled or not. You 
can define pre-processor values on the command line with ''-D'' with most 
compilers, such as ''-DMY_FEATURE=1'' for example which is the same as putting 
in the code ''#define MY_FEATURE 1''. You can then have your code be something 
+<code c>
+  {
+#ifdef MY_FEATURE
+    int i = 0;
+    while (i < 0) i = rand();
+    return i;
+    // feature not implemented, so return -1
+    return -1;
+  }
+So only compile the active code in when enabled in the compilation process.
 ==== Memory ====


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