raster pushed a commit to branch master.


commit 6eb17b7d3efd0e24220d5b6bd6e30f94f3e79e7b
Author: Carsten Haitzler (Rasterman) <ras...@rasterman.com>
Date:   Tue Feb 2 23:12:25 2016 +0900

    Revert "Revert "Revert "revise edje_object_size_min_restricted_calc() 
    This reverts commit ade138a3d13f7cd1606d0c80cf40fa71cd1d983a.
    Revert this commit because this basically causes e to hang solid if
    you mousover ibar (and the window list popup slides in then i think
    that tyriggers it). this is pretty bad.
 src/lib/edje/edje_util.c | 178 -----------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 178 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/lib/edje/edje_util.c b/src/lib/edje/edje_util.c
index 0eccbca..4bb0e9c 100644
--- a/src/lib/edje/edje_util.c
+++ b/src/lib/edje/edje_util.c
@@ -3979,183 +3979,6 @@ _edje_object_parts_extends_calc(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, 
Edje *ed, Evas_Coord *x, Ev
    return EINA_TRUE;
-#if 1
-//Removed version of 4000x4000 limitation.
-EOLIAN void
-_edje_object_size_min_restricted_calc(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Edje *ed, 
Evas_Coord *minw, Evas_Coord *minh, Evas_Coord restrictedw, Evas_Coord 
-   //This structure keeps a previous part size information.
-   //We could migrate these variables into Edje_Real_Part for optimization.
-   //Right now, keep here while keeping my eyes on any unexpected side effects.
-   typedef struct _part_calc
-     {
-        Evas_Coord_Size size;
-        Evas_Coord_Size req;
-     } part_calc;
-   Evas_Coord orig_w, orig_h; //original edje size
-   int max_over_w  = 0, max_over_h = 0;  //maximum over-calculated size.
-   unsigned int i;
-   Eina_Bool repeat_w, repeat_h;
-   Eina_Bool reset_max = EINA_TRUE;
-   if ((!ed) || (!ed->collection))
-     {
-        if (minw) *minw = restrictedw;
-        if (minh) *minh = restrictedh;
-        return;
-     }
-   //Simulate object minimum size.
-   ed->calc_only = EINA_TRUE;
-   orig_w = ed->w;
-   orig_h = ed->h;
-   //restrict minimum size to
-   ed->w = restrictedw;
-   ed->h = restrictedh;
-   Eina_Inarray *inarray =
-      eina_inarray_new(sizeof(part_calc), ed->table_parts_size);
-   part_calc pcalc;
-   //initialize previous part size info cache.
-   for (i = 0; i < ed->table_parts_size; i++)
-     {
-        pcalc.size.w = pcalc.size.h = 999999;
-        pcalc.req.w = pcalc.req.h = 999999;
-        eina_inarray_push(inarray, &pcalc);
-     }
-   do
-     {
-        repeat_w = EINA_FALSE;
-        repeat_h = EINA_FALSE;
-        ed->dirty = EINA_TRUE;
-        ed->all_part_change = EINA_TRUE;
-        _edje_recalc_do(ed);
-        if (reset_max)
-          {
-             max_over_w = 0;
-             max_over_h = 0;
-             reset_max = EINA_FALSE;
-          }
-        //for parts
-        for (i = 0; i < ed->table_parts_size; i++)
-          {
-             Edje_Real_Part *ep = ed->table_parts[i];
-             Evas_Coord ins_l, ins_r;
-             if (!ep->chosen_description) continue;
-             part_calc *pcalc = eina_inarray_nth(inarray, i);
-             Eina_Bool skip_h = EINA_FALSE;
-             //width
-             if (!ep->chosen_description->fixed.w)
-               {
-                  int over_w = (ep->w - ep->req.w);
-                  //We take care textblock width size specially.
-                  if (ep->part->type == EDJE_PART_TYPE_TEXTBLOCK)
-                    {
-                       Evas_Coord tb_mw;
-                       evas_object_textblock_size_formatted_get(ep->object,
-                                                                &tb_mw, NULL);
-                       evas_object_textblock_style_insets_get(ep->object,
-                                                              &ins_l, &ins_r,
-                                                              NULL, NULL);
-                       tb_mw = ins_l + tb_mw + ins_r;
-                       tb_mw -= ep->req.w;
-                       if (tb_mw > over_w) over_w = tb_mw;
-                    }
-                  if (over_w > max_over_w)
-                    {
-                       max_over_w = over_w;
-                       repeat_w = EINA_TRUE;
-                       skip_h = EINA_TRUE;
-                       //Reset accumulated max size when it's uncertain.
-                       if ((abs(ep->req.w) > 1) ||
-                           (pcalc->size.w != ep->w) ||
-                           (pcalc->req.w != ep->req.w))
-                         reset_max = EINA_TRUE;
-                    }
-               }
-             //height
-             if (!ep->chosen_description->fixed.h)
-               {
-                  int over_h = (ep->h - ep->req.h);
-                  if (over_h > max_over_h)
-                    {
-                       if ((ep->part->type != EDJE_PART_TYPE_TEXTBLOCK) ||
-                           ((Edje_Part_Description_Text 
*)ep->chosen_description)->text.min_x ||
-                           !skip_h)
-                         {
-                            max_over_h = over_h;
-                            repeat_h = EINA_TRUE;
-                            //Reset accumulated max size when it's uncertain.
-                            if ((pcalc->size.h != ep->h) ||
-                                (pcalc->req.h != ep->req.h))
-                              reset_max = EINA_TRUE;
-                         }
-                    }
-               }
-             //Caching part size infomation.
-             pcalc->size.w = ep->w;
-             pcalc->size.h = ep->h;
-             pcalc->req.w = ep->req.w;
-             pcalc->req.h = ep->req.h;
-          }//for
-        if (repeat_w)
-          {
-             ed->w += max_over_w;
-             if (ed->w < restrictedw) ed->w = restrictedw;
-          }
-        if (repeat_h)
-          {
-             ed->h += max_over_h;
-             if (ed->h < restrictedh) ed->h = restrictedh;
-          }
-     }
-   while (repeat_w || repeat_h);
-   //exceptional handling.
-   if (ed->w < restrictedw) ed->w = restrictedw;
-   if (ed->h < restrictedh) ed->h = restrictedh;
-   ed->min.w = ed->w;
-   ed->min.h = ed->h;
-   if (minw) *minw = ed->min.w;
-   if (minh) *minh = ed->min.h;
-   ed->w = orig_w;
-   ed->h = orig_h;
-   ed->dirty = EINA_TRUE;
-   ed->all_part_change = EINA_TRUE;
-   _edje_recalc(ed);
-   ed->calc_only = EINA_FALSE;
-   eina_inarray_free(inarray);
 EOLIAN void
 _edje_object_size_min_restricted_calc(Eo *obj EINA_UNUSED, Edje *ed, 
Evas_Coord *minw, Evas_Coord *minh, Evas_Coord restrictedw, Evas_Coord 
@@ -4322,7 +4145,6 @@ again:
    ed->calc_only = EINA_FALSE;
 /* FIXME: Correctly return other states */
 EOLIAN const char *


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